~179~ Zip Lining

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Zoe's POV

"This is so boring, wanna skip out?" Gabby asks as we're watching Raya kill the other team in basketball.

"I don't wanna spend every night doing this all week," I sigh as I watch dad get the ball from Wes and throw it to Mason.

"Then let's not—It's our vacation too. Let's slip out," Gabby says.

"And go where?"

"Zoe, come on! There's enough to keep us busy on this ship for a month. Let's just walk, and then do the first fun thing we see."

"Shouldn't we ask for permission first?"

Gabby shrugs. "They want us all to be together the first night—But this is SO boring. Come on!"

"But I don't wanna be spanked the first night here."

She thinks about that, and then nods. "Do you have your phone on you?"

I get it out of my pocket and hand it to her.

She sets an alarm for 8:45, and hands it back to me.

"They'll be at least another half an hour, so this'll give us plenty of time. Let's just go do something, and then slip back in—Nobody will notice."

"Ok," I nod as we stand up and leave the court. When we get down the stairs, we look back up and take a deep breath.

"See? Nobody noticed. Between the game and the little kids, they're not even paying attention," Gabby grins.

I smile at her and look around. "Where to?"

"Ummm, let's go on the zip line we saw."

"Well, dad was wanting to do that tomorrow."

She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "And you can't do it twice this trip?"

"True. Let's go!"

We run over to where it's at, and wait in line. When it's finally our turn, I get strapped in.

It's SO much fun going across the ship and looking at all of the people. When I get down and Gabby goes, I'm glad we did this—So much more fun than watching basketball.

When we get done and meet back up, my alarm goes off. "Perfect timing!"

We run back to the court, and my stomach drops.

It's empty

"Shoot," I hiss as I look at Gabby in horror.

"Ok, don't panic," she says as she tries to think.

"We head back to the cabin, and act like we went to the bathroom and got lost," she finally says.

"Think he'll buy it?" I ask.

She shrugs.

"What if he asks why we didn't get permission first?"

"We'll say that I started my period and it was an emergency, cause I almost leaked through."

"That's kinda gross."

"Desperate times, Zoe."

"I agree with that—But what if I ask you how the zip lining was?" I hear dad asking from behind us.

We both slowly turn around, and see dad and Alex looking so angry, I immediately gulp.

"H-how'd ya know?" I stutter.

"Went to find you, and Drew started crying. Said it wasn't fair that Gabby got to zip line first."

"You saw us doing it?!?!" Gabby asks.

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