~118~***Afternoon Crazy***

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Taylor's POV

We get in the car and I keep the atmosphere breezy. Chemo days are so bittersweet for me. They suck.......But they're also kinda my favorite in the sense that I get some time alone with this sweet girl. I didn't know her nearly as well as I do now before she had cancer.

It's so horrible of me to rejoice in the fact that this is giving me a chance to bond with and love her more.

"Less than a half hour," she says softly as she looks at me and grins.

I don't even look at her as I keep staring at the road.

"Mmm, I don't know there, sweet cheeks. I think I'm going with an hour this time....."

"Someone's optimistic," she chuckles.

I grin as I pull into the gas station and get out, leaving Shay in the car while I get the thing I get every chemo day.

Once I get what I'm needing, I get back in the car and wave the lotto ticket around in her face.

"Ok, young lady. I bet you this lotto ticket that you will last an ENTIRE hour before feeling bad this time."

She smirks as she takes the ticket, inspecting it. "Taylor, you may as well just give this to me...oooh you got a good one this time."

"Shay, this sucker's gonna make me rich, so keep your grubby hands off of it," I say as I take it out of her hands and set it in the drink holder.


Once we get to the center, we go in and I rent the movie on my tablet while they get Shay all set up.

"You really should speak with your doctor about getting a port put in, Shay. It would make this process less painful," the nurse says as she inserts the IV into her hand.

"I have, but I don't want one," she says calmly as she looks away from the needle.

"Can I ask why?"

She looks at the nurse and has an extremely serious expression. "Because I'm not planning on needing chemo much longer."

"Shay, you have several doses left before we even scan....."

"You heard her answer, ma'am," I say softly, but firmly.

The nurse says nothing else as she finishes getting her set up on her drip.

Once she's going, I wrap the blanket around her and hand her one of the ear buds. She smiles at me as she puts one in her ear, I put the other one in my ear, and we settle in and watch Jaws 2.

Halfway through the movie, once someone is getting nibbled on by Jaws, she looks at me.

I turn the movie down so I can hear her, and smirk at her.

"Why 2?"


"Why did you pick the second one and not the first one?"

Sadness immediately fills my heart. "I can't watch the first one."

"Why's that?"

I swallow hard before I answer. I don't think I've ever even told Ellie this before.

"We had a family movie night when I was a kid, and we all watched Jaws. My dad even bought us sushi to be funny. We sat on the couch and ate sushi while Jaws ate people. It was such a good night. Then that night I snuck out and went out with some friends. When I got home that next morning, my mom caught me and grounded me. We got in such a huge fight.....she left for work and got killed in a car accident. I've haven't been able to watch that movie since."

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