~97~***Bask In It Forever***

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I put asterisks just in case, but this one is a mild one...Some talks of Shay's cancer, but the main focus is the wedding.

Enjoy, my friends!

Ellie's POV

The wedding is turning out to be bigger than I was expecting. The only reason we were able to pull it all off, was because of our village. This amazing family worked night and day to bring it to where it is. It's in our backyard, and it's turning out spectacular.

Not only were Shay's mom and dad able to make it, but her brother, two sisters, and lots of extended family were too.

It's been GREAT getting to know her family the last couple of days.

Their family asked their pastor to come with, so he could marry them. Luke was totally fine with that, and honestly, it was just one less thing I had to deal with.

Her mom is also an amazing cook, so she and a couple of Shay's aunts have been using the kitchens of not only mine, but also Megan and Lilah's.

At first, I had planned to have Liam and Mason get the cake from the bakery this morning, but after the nail incident the other day, I decided against it.

"Ellie, I'm a little offended that you don't trust us," Mason says dejectedly as I ask Alex and Wes to run and do it.

"Mason, you're still on my list, young man."

"Yeah? Well you're still on mine. My ass is still a little sore."

"Care for a refresher?"

"No ma'am," he says seriously, and several people around start laughing.

"Good. Then could you and Liam please finish setting up chairs?"

Liam grins and puts Mason in a headlock. "Come on, BFF. She's crazy to trust us with chairs. You know how fun it'll be to loosen some screws on a few? It'll be like a boring version of Russian Roulette....WHO'S GOIN' DOWN?!?" He says in a deep and creepy voice.

Mason grins and shakes his head. "You can play by yourself....I don't need Woody'd too."

"Nora said I can't play by myself anymore...." he says with a straight face.

"LIAM ALEXANDER!!!" I yell. I don't have time for this foolishness.

Liam grins and the two boneheads hurry to finish the last few jobs.

I go into Sarah's house, and go to where Shay is. It's time for her to start getting ready. One of her cousins is a makeup artist, so right now, she's working on her makeup.

"Everything going good in here?" I ask with a smile.

Shay's mom gives me a look. "We've got it under control."

I nod and smile again. This is her daughter, and it's her daughter's wedding day. This isn't like the surgery, so I need to stand down.

"Great. Well, if you guys need something, let me know. I have a few more things I need to do."

"I'm sure we won't," her mom says curtly.

I need to excuse myself, before I cause more stress on Shay. She hates that her mom has been so cranky with me. Shay is still just as tenderhearted as she was when I first met her.

I finish doing some last minute things, and then check on my boy. He's with Taylor and Trace, doing something with the DJ's spot.

"You need to start getting dressed. The photographer will be here soon," I say as I kiss his cheek.

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