~133~***Nobody Needs To Know***

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Taylor's POV

"Clark, this paperwork is crap; it needs fixed," I snap as I throw the file down on his desk.

He gives me a look, and then opens the file. "Which part?"

"All of it. The report is sloppy, and key elements of the water rescue were left out."

"Again, which part?"

I glare at him.

Liam sighs and looks at it. "Chief, there's nothing wrong with this file. Why are you in such a bad mood?"

"Excuse me? I'm telling you, Lieutenant, that this file is bad and to fix it. Are you defying my orders?"

He leans back in his chair and sticks his pen in his mouth, chewing on it for a moment.

"It'll be good news, Taylor," he says gently.


"Shay. It'll be good news."

I shake my head, getting angry. "This has NOTHING to do with Shay. Get your ass working on this file, or I'll send you home. Hurry up."

I go out and back to my office, getting more heated. Who does he think he is? When we're here, I'm not 'Taylor'. He's getting pretty lax lately.

I go back to my office and start working on paperwork, getting even more agitated. I didn't appreciate that from him.

"Chief, I need you to sign off on this," Greene says from my door.

"What is it?"

"Furlough. I need to take a couple shifts off next week."

"Ok," I say as I hold my hand out for the form.

I sign it and hand it back without even glancing at Greene.

"You're not even gonna ask me why?" He chuckles.

"It's not my business."

"When has that every stopped you?"

I let out a disgusted breath. "Fine. Why are you taking furlough, Greene?"

His eyes darken. "Why are you so damn cranky? You have been all day."

"Why does everyone think they can keep talking to me like this?" I snap.

"Get your head out of your ass. We're just about the same rank, so quit acting like I need to kiss your feet. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Take your form and get out," I say as I turn to my computer.

He's quiet for a moment as he stares at me. "What's the date today?" He finally asks.

"The 6th."

"Dang I forgot. I'm sorry. Have you heard anything?"

"From who?" I ask, exasperated. He's trying my patience.



He stands up and squeezes my shoulder, leaving silently.

I continue working alone, where I'm fighting my nerves and the feeling of dread. I've had to be the strong one for months. I can't show how hard it's been on me...Nobody needs to know. Nobody needs to know how much it slices me up, seeing that little girl puking her damn brains out.

Nobody needs to know that the reason I started the movie tradition during Chemo, was because I couldn't stand seeing her with an IV in her arm, looking weak and frail in the big chair.

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