~123~ Do Your Job

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Ellie's POV

"So when are you leaving?" I ask after I quit crying and pull away from my brother.

His look tells me what I need to know.

"You're not even staying tonight, are you?"


"It's fine. Have a safe flight back," I say as I go upstairs.

When I get to my room, I go into the shower and cry. The hot water hits me and soothes my muscles, but does nothing for my heart. I was FINALLY feeling like maybe this was the time it would be different.

Of course it wasn't

As I'm crying, I feel strong arms pull me in and securely hold me tight. I fold into his strong chest, letting the water drip on us.

"Did he leave?" I finally ask.

"He's packing"

I only nod as I let him hold me tighter.

When we get out of the shower he goes back downstairs, while I hide out in my room like a chicken. I don't need to watch him leave...Again.

A gentle knock raps on the door about twenty minutes later, and when I open it, two very sad eyes are staring back at me.

"I can't.....I don't wanna keep leaving this in shambles every time I go," he says as he looks at me, trying not to cry.

"Then don't go."

He sighs. "My Uber will be here in twenty minutes, and I've called Jake over."

"Why would you do that?"

"Cause I thoroughly enjoy getting my ass kicked," he smirks.

I follow him downstairs and sit on the couch—I don't feel like acting like I'm fine.

Jake comes in, and as soon as he sees me, he must know.

"What the hell did you do to her this time, asshole?" He asks as he rushes over and sits next to me, bringing me into him and kissing my head.

As Justin is telling Jake everything, Jake's face is getting darker and darker. Justin doesn't tell him about the Alex thing or the Nolan thing. He ONLY tells him that he's leaving for his new family....Well, he said it differently, but that was the gist.

Once he's done talking, Jake shakes his head and bounces his leg in anger.

"So, just so I'm understanding...You're basically telling us to "eff off" right now?"

"No, I just want to get to know them."

Jake nods and holds me tighter.

"What's the biggest thing Ellie's afraid of?"

Justin shakes his head

"Spiders. What's my favorite color?"

Justin only looks at Jake.

"Navy Blue. What's Ellie's favorite food?"

"I don't know"

Jake shrugs. "Doesn't really look like you know us either then, does it?"

"Do you realize that you haven't came over to Ellie's to see me AT ALL since I got here? Not once, Jake. Quit acting like I just hurt you. You're not hurt, you just love kicking the shit outta me. You haven't made a single effort. AT ALL. I came here, hoping we could try.....But you don't want to. Pauly asked me if I wanted to spend the day together tomorrow, and you know what? I do. I want a brother. I want SOMEONE who doesn't have an insult just waiting for me all the damn time."

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