~59~ Heat Of The Moment

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Apparently I enjoy making Emma and Trace have more "Mature" storylines. I'm rating this one Mature too, so if that offends you, please skip it ❤️

This isn't crazy graphic, it's just really different than what I've done before!

Emma's POV

Trace and I have been married for a few months now, and man. Mom wasn't kidding when she said the first year is hard.


We get along fine, that's not the problem...It's the money. I almost wonder if we really should have waited another few years to get married...until we got better paying jobs. We just have no money for anything.

We have enough for bills and food, but that's it. It's hard when you grow up in a big, beautiful home, and then move to a starter apartment. I'm not complaining, mind you...It's just been a big adjustment.

We're laying in bed with the windows open, trying to stay cool. It's warm today, and we don't want to turn the air on, because that will raise our bill too high.

Trace is completely naked as he lays in bed on his stomach, scrolling through Instagram.

I'm a sweaty hot mess, but I have shorts and a tank top on. I don't really like being naked.

I look over and notice his insanely sexy butt. For years I had wondered what it looked like, and now I can stare at it for as long as I want. I can even touch it!

I gently take my finger and trace it along the curve of his cheeks, immediately making him look at me and smile.

"What?" He chuckles.

I shake my head. "You would never know you got spanked bare. Not a scar on you."

He grins as he rolls over and brings me into him. "You would think I would have tons from how much my dad wailed on me. Thankfully I'm scar free," he smirks as he kisses my cheek.

"Your turn, Emmy."

"For what?"

"For me to inspect yours for scars."

"I only got spanked, like, four or five times."

"Never know. Papa Preston could have been viscous. Drop 'em young lady."

I chuckle as I take down my pants.

He turns me on my stomach and inspects my butt, making his hands linger as he gently squeezes each cheek.

"Scar free too," he says as he gently smacks my right cheek, bringing a sensation so intense, I feel it in my toes.

Well that's kinda hot.

I look at him and his eyes look like they're burning.

"Wanna try something?" He asks me


He undresses me the rest of the way and then flips me so my stomach is on his right thigh.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I start to stand up.

"I mean, it's not really fair you only got spanked a handful of times while I got spanked hundreds and hundreds of times. I need to even the score, Emmy."


He chuckles as he gently strokes my butt cheek, feeling every part of it. Then, without warning, he smacks it again firmly, but not enough to truly hurt.

I let out a shriek...It doesn't hurt. It feels amazing.

He caresses my butt again, and then smacks me three times in the same spot, just a touch harder than the last.

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