~56~ Another Weekend Getaway

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Gabby's POV

I'm in the car with Zoe, Ethan, Nolan, Jake, and Sarah, and we're driving to where Zoe's science competition thing is at. Our school is putting it on, but they didn't have a great place to have it. Therefore, we're driving to a neighboring town and staying in a hotel for the weekend. The competition is all day Saturday, and then the award ceremony is on Sunday.

I'm really excited. The entire posse is going, and there's not much for any of the kids my age to do, besides swim and hangout. Zoe will be busy, and that will be a drag, but I'm super excited to hang out with Nolan and Ethan.

Colton and Alex are in a fight right now. He had plans to go out of town with a couple friends, and Alex told him he had to cancel. "This family always supports each other. You WILL be there to support Zoe, whether I have to drag you there kicking and screaming or not.

Thankfully they're in the car behind us. I was getting sick of the arguing.

Jake is driving, and listening to old people music.

"Jake, this music is awful. Can you switch it?"

Jake looks at me and raises his eyebrows in the rearview mirror.

"Gabby, NOBODY disrespects AC/DC in my car. If you would like, I can pull over and have you ride with my sister. Those nuts like Country."

"Which car likes 'normal people' music?" I mutter.

"You could try Luke and Trace's car."

I groan and cross my arms. Luke and Trace are imbeciles.

Jake smirks and continues driving, singing along like a fool. I swear old people aren't as cool as they think they are.

Nolan and Ethan are talking about their soccer game on Monday, and I lose interest quickly.

Zoe is so nervous about tomorrow that she's reading, trying to get her mind off of it. I just leave her alone. She and I have become good enough friends that I know when to leave her be.

I also have a plan to get her to lighten up a bit before tomorrow.

About a half hour into the drive, I see Jake looking back at Zoe. "Hey Zo"


"If I wore a speedo at the pool, would that embarrass you?"

"What's a speedo?"

"Er, never mind. What are you reading?"

"To Kill A Mockingbird."

He nods and thinks for a minute. "Can you believe I actually read that book? It was for school. Have you seen the movie?"

She shakes her head.

"Once you finish it, let me know and we will have a movie night. It's pretty good."

Then I hear Sarah mutter. "Yeah, and that dad is sexy as hell."

"WHAT?!?" Jake asks, acting completely offended.

"Oh yeah. He was my DILF"

"What's a DIL?" Zoe asks

"A type of pickle," Jake says, still glancing at Sarah as he's driving.

"You thought Gregory Peck was handsome?"

"Oh yeah!" She chuckles, pretending to fan herself.

"You think you know a woman, only to realize you don't hold a candle to Gregory Peck."

She mutters something, and I can't quite make it out, but it sounded a little like ".......I'll still sample your pickle..."

I truly hope that's NOT what I heard.

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