~63~ Moron Status

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Mason's POV

"I don't know"

The moment those three words were out of my mouth, I wanted to kick myself in the nuts. Her face flashes a pain I've never seen before.

Do I apologize? Of course I don't. I turn around and leave, slamming the door. When I get to Liam's house, I just walk in. Liam has Jaxson in a bear hug, and is kissing him like crazy, making Jax chortle.

"Daddy! I'm going to potty my pants," he squeals, trying to wiggle out of Liam's grasp.

Liam laughs as he lets him go. "Can't have that, or mommy will put me in a time out. Go potty, my man!"

Jaxson runs as fast as he can, before he has an accident.

Liam sees me and snorts. "Just kissed the piss right outta' him."

Normally I would laugh, but I just flop on the couch, putting my head in my hands.

Liam silently sits down next to me, waiting for me to talk.

"Just told your sister I might leave her," I whisper, cringing once I say it out loud to Liam. I close my eyes and keep my head in my hand, feeling Liam stiffen. I don't even need to open my eyes to see the anger radiating off of him.

"What. The. Hell?" He asks, his voice a tone I've never heard directed at me before.

I finally look at him and wipe a tear that escapes.

I tell him everything that happened, never once able to look at him. By the time I'm done, I'm seriously questioning if he's going to slug me.

I'd deserve it.

He curses under his breath and calls me a REALLY insulting name.

"You're a damn moron," he finally says. When I look at him, he's glaring at me.

"You can't even see my side of it?" I ask.

"Yeah, and you're still a damn moron."

"Stop, Liam."

"No way in hell am I stopping. Just because we're best friends doesn't mean I'm going to let you talk to my sister like that. Sorry, but sister will always trump best friend. I'm not going to sit here and hold your hand, Mason. You were so out of line with this."

"HOW THE HELL WAS I OUT OF LINE?!?" We talked about this for basically the entire first two months she lived with me. Before we even had sex for the first time, she knew, and agreed. We wanted 5 kids, 6 maybe. We were going to start a family once she graduated. Good thing Drew came along, because who the hell knows. Maybe she just said it to get with me."

"If you really believe that, then I'm upping your moron status to complete doofus."

I look at him, and glare. I don't appreciate it.

"You just ambushed her. The DAY she graduated you put this on her? How about easing her into it a little bit."

"Liam, I've waited four years and never said a word. Not one single word. I'm already 31."

"Oohhh, you're a big bad adult. I'm in my 40s and just had two babies."

"Sorry, man, but I don't want to have kids at that age."

He shrugs. "Don't pull the age card out of the hat now. You knew all about the age difference when you first met her."

"So if Nora told you she wanted kids, and then once you're married decided she didn't, you would be ok with that?"

"No, I wouldn't be. I wouldn't leave her for it, though. I love her more than that."

"I won't leave her either, I just said it in the moment."

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