~24~ Mom

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Taylor's POV

Dinner was hard. Carrie was tipsy by the time it was over and slurring her words. Nolan could tell, but this kid desperately wants to believe that his mom has changed.

He needs to believe it.

"So Ellie. Tell me. Nolan says that you are a nurse. I've suffered from migraines for years. Any chance you could prescribe me something?"

"Only doctors can prescribe medication. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with them. I can give you the name of a great physician if you would like."

Carrie shakes her head and smiles. "Nah, it's no big deal. So baby, tell me. You in any sports this year? You always liked baseball."

Nolan shakes his head. "I hate baseball. I always played soccer."


Nolan just nods.

"Maybe I will have to come to a game then. When do you play?"

"Soccer doesn't start until the spring."

Carrie nods as she takes another gulp of wine.

"He tells me you guys are pretty strict. That sucks. I raised my son to be able to decide what he should or shouldn't do. I would appreciate if you would honor that."

"We wont, but we appreciate the suggestion," I say with an extremely forced smile.

"They abusing you, Nolan?"


"You telling me the truth?"


She nods as she takes another drink. "I was wanting to take him to meet a few of my friends tomorrow. Any chance he's free?"

"No, sorry," I say in a clipped tone.

"Why?" She asks, getting angry.

"As I told you on the phone, you are welcome to come here and have supervised visits until he is 18. We do, however, have the right to rescind that offer if we feel it's best. We will never allow him to go anywhere with you unsupervised," I say, looking at her hard.

"I'm his mom."

"I'm well aware. That's why you are allowed supervised visits with him as long as he wants them."

"Tell them what you told me, baby," she says.

Nolan looks at her, obviously not wanting to say.

"Go ahead. Tell them."

"Mom, stop."

She smiles. "Ok, I will. He said that he wants to live with me again."

"That's not what I said. I said I've missed you."

"So you don't want to live with me again?"

Nolan just moves lasagna around on his plate, and stares at it hard.

By the time Carrie leaves, I'm emotionally drained. She is going to tear his heart out.

While we're in bed that night, Ellie is quiet.

"She's going to mess up, and he will see that she hasn't changed," I say softly. My heart is breaking for her.

"Do you honestly think that's what I want? You want me to hope that my kid's mom destroys him? I don't want that at all."

I nod. "Baby, he needs to see her true colors. Otherwise he will never get it, and it will eat him up inside."

"I saw my mom's true colors, and it's eaten me alive for decades."

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