~106~ Figure This Out

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Josie's POV

After I finished writing the sentences, Mason looked them over and nodded. He brings me into a tight hug and kisses my hair. "I love you"

"Love you too"

"Get to bed"

I nod and go to sleep, without a door, and try not to think about how I have to wake early to straighten my hair all over again.


"Jocelyn, wake up," Mason says softly, shaking me awake gently.


"You need to be ready in half an hour. Come on!"

Oh no! I overslept

I sit up and blink several times. Hopefully Aiden doesn't get mad at me.

I rush into the bathroom and stare at my hair. I'm gonna have to take a shower, because my hair is horrible.

I quickly take my shower, just putting my hair in a messy bun today. I throw on some makeup and meet Mason downstairs.

We drive to school, and Mason just listens to the radio until we pull into the parking lot.

"Do you feel like I'm being unfair?" He finally asks.


"With your punishments. Am I being unfair?"


"What are you wanting me to change?"

"Let me see Aiden"

"I meant about your punishments."

I look at him, and squint my eyes. "And what do you think keeping Aiden from me is?"

"An order; It's not a punishment at all. Punishments end, you not seeing Aiden won't."

I wipe a tear that falls quickly, and go back to looking out the window as he pulls into a parking space.

"I'm not as pissed. 6 more spankings is a lot....."

He's parked the car at this point, so I just open my door and get out.

"It's fine, Mason. I'll take the six more spankings. I promise there's nothing more awful and painful you can do to me, that you haven't already done."

I shut the door and walk away, while Mason stays in the car, staring at his steering wheel.

Once I get in and go to my locker, Aiden is waiting. Once he sees me, his eyes look hard.

"Hey," I smile.

"Why didn't you straighten your hair today?"

"I overslept."

"Having a lazy ass girlfriend is really a turn-off," he snaps as he starts to leave.

"Aiden, wait....."

He stops and rolls his eyes, looking at me.

"I'm sorry. I will tomorrow."

He shrugs. "See ya Shorty," he says as he kisses my lips softly and walks to his first class.


That afternoon when we get home, Mason silently grabs my hand and we go upstairs. He sits on my bed, and we're completely quiet for a while.

"Today's theme is your smoking," he finally says. "Do you have any cigarettes in your room?"


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