~30~ Free Time

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Liam's POV

It's starting to get a little easier. Charlotte's next surgery is set for next month, and we're just trying to put it out of our minds.

"Get out of here for a bit, Liam. You never do anything fun anymore," Nora says with a soft smile.

"Go and do what? All of my friends are at school."

I chuckle silently to myself. That sounds so funny, coming from a grown man.

"I'm sure you can figure out something. Take two hours and go do something for yourself."

"You sure?"


I smile at her as I pull her into me. "This is why you're my favorite wife. I'll let the others down gently."

She chuckles as she swats my butt.

"Ouch, woman. I take that back. Gertrude doesn't spank me. She's now bumped you."

"What a shame. Bring me back some ice cream on your way home."

"She beats me and she's bossy. I'm living the dream, folks!" I yell as I leave.

I'm pumped. I get in the car with no kids, and just drive aimlessly.

What do I do with myself? Nobody is needing me. I don't have to wipe ANYBODY'S ass. What else is there to do in life?

Before I realize what I'm doing, I'm driving to the school.

I'm such a freaking loser.

I go inside and go to Mason's room. He's totally going to kill me. He gets his super-serious, 'I have a stick shoved up my bum,' when he's teaching.

When he sees me, he immediately comes out to the hall and shuts the door.

"The babies ok?"

"Oh, yeah, they're great. Nora gave me a break....wanna break outta' this joint and grab a beer?"

"Um, buddy, this might surprise you, but I'm kinda adulting right now."

"I knew you would come up with a lame excuse," I pout.

He chuckles. "Lunch is in twenty minutes. Why don't you come in and hang out, and we can run to McDonalds or something for lunch."

"DEAL!" I say loudly, and he rolls his eyes.

"Behave. These kids still have to respect me."

"So I shouldn't bring up Woody?" I ask as I kick him in the ass.

"Don't you dare," he laughs as he holds the door open for me....My BFF is such a gentlemen.

"Take a seat, brother," he smirks as he points to a seat in the far back.

I look at him and pout. "The clear back? You're shunning me to the CLEAR BACK?!?"

He chuckles as he shakes his head. "Liam, you're just going to be distracting if I let you sit in the front. Go sit in the back and behave like the children are. See how nicely they're all sitting?"

I look around, and all these kids are staring at me like I'm a fool.

Little do they know how right they are.

"Can't I sit at your desk, BFF?!?"

"No way in he.....ck."

"Whoop! Mr. Teacher almost said a cursey," I say in a stupid voice.

That gets the class rolling.

"I'm apologizing in advance for anything this bonehead might say," Mason chuckles as he points to the back of the room.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now