~62~ Teacher

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Sasha's POV

Today is my graduation day, and I'm so flipping proud of myself. I DID IT! I did it as a teenage mom. It was hard, and there were so many days that I wanted to quit. But you know what?

I didn't

I'm awake by 5 am, because I'm so excited I can't sleep. I'm just laying in bed though, thinking about everything I went through these last four years.

Suddenly I feel a strong arm around my stomach, pulling me in closer to him. Then I feel his hot breath on my ear.

"Today's your day, teacher," he whispers as he kisses my neck.

I turn around and smile at him, running my hands up and down his chiseled chest. He's so ripped, it's crazy. You can't tell how truly defined he is in his teacher's clothes. Only I get to see the real Mr. West, and I love it.

"Can I have sex with a teacher?" He asks as he puts his hand up my shirt and caresses me.

"Not a teacher until I graduate," I chuckle as I shift so he can get on top of me.

"Then I guess we will have to do it tonight too," he says as he lifts off my shirt and slides down my panties.

Once he's in me and we are enjoying our time, he grins. "We're getting everything we talked about, Sash. Enjoy today, you worked so hard, baby!"

I pant as I already get close to my moment. He's very skilled at this task, and it never takes long to get me where I need.

"Mr. West, you're not only a great teacher, but a fantastic lover," I moan, just about there.

"You make me who I am," he says in my ear as we both reach the place we were looking for at the exact same time.

This is going to be such a great day, and it's already starting off amazing.

Graduation is just as good as I was hoping. My whole family is here, and it brings me to tears knowing they're so proud of me. I know I wasn't the easiest kid, and not always the nicest, but they're all here for me anyways, cheering me on.

As I walk across the stage to get my diploma, I scan the crowd. Mom and dad have HUGE smiles across their faces as dad grabs mom's hand. I'm so thankful they're here for me. They've ALWAYS been here.

When I look out at the crowd once the diploma is in my hands, Mason is there, with tears streaming down his face, holding Drew. Drew is waving at me excitedly, nearly bopping Mason in the face with his curly head of hair.

After graduation, mom has a party for me. It was amazing, and the amount of cash I got was pretty sweet. This will pay for my whole new teacher's wardrobe I'm buying this summer.

I can't wait to get my room ready. Ahhh! I can't believe I get my own classroom. I'm going to go in debt decorating it and getting it how I want.

I just feel like nothing can stop me, and I'm succeeding, with the help of my family.

That night as we're laying in bed, Mason rolls over. "Can I have sex with a teacher yet?"

I smile at him. "I think I can fit you into my schedule."

He grins as he looks over at my nightstand, seeing my birth control pills laying there.

"You know, Sash...Why don't you quit taking them now."

"Why would I do that," I ask, sitting up.

He raises his eyebrows. "Because you're graduated.
Don't you think it's time we start thinking about having another one?"

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