~138~ FaceTime

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Zoe's POV

"Zoe, after school, dad is supposed to FaceTime us. Come home right after, ok?" Mom asks as she kisses me.

"K," I smile as Ethan and I walk across the street to Taylor's house.

"I really miss dad," I say as we go inside.

"Me too. It's not the same at home without him," he says quietly.

"There you two are. Ready to get to school?" Taylor asks as he comes over and gives us both a hug.

"Yup," Ethan says as he smirks at Nolan. "Ready for the English test?"

Nolan shakes his head. "Sasha is gonna kill me. Mom always helps me study, and dad isn't the best at English. There's no way I'm going to pass."

"I resent that," Taylor says, crossing his arms. "Just because I'm not mom, I can still recite Shakespeare with the best of 'em."

"Dad, you didn't even pronounce Mercutio's name right."


"Romeo and Juliet? The book you were helping me study last night."

"How did I pronounce it?"


Taylor grins. "Sounds better. Why would my daughter teach that? It's English class—Isn't that subject supposed to teach you how to write all proper? Wouldn't Shakespeare be a Lit class?"

Nolan gives Taylor an annoyed look. "I don't make the rules. You can tell mom and Sasha why I failed this test."

"Hey! Don't threaten me with your mother...She only kinda scares me."

"Are you lying to me?" Nolan asks, pretending to lower his voice and sound mad.

Taylor clears his throat. "Yes sir, I am. She scares the pee outta me. We'll blame this on Zoe."

"Why me?" I ask. I was just standing here nicely.

Taylor looks at me and grins. "Well, would you have known the guy wasn't called Mercury?"


"There ya go."

"What?" I ask, completely confused.

Taylor chuckles. "Come on, boneheads. Let's get you smart."

I ride in the front, while the boys sit in the back. Taylor looks over at me. "Missing your dad?"

"Yeah. He's gonna FaceTime us after school though."

"Sweet. Ellie is supposed to be calling me too. I'm excited to hear her voice."

"Think they're all getting along?" I ask

Taylor laughs out loud. "No. I'm sure it's a shi......poop-show."


"All three of them are hot-heads. Someone's gonna blow if they haven't already."

"Who do ya think it'll be?" Nolan asks.

"Ummm. I don't know. Depends on the situation, probably."

We get to school, and Taylor kisses my cheek. "See you guys this afternoon."


When Taylor picks us up from school, Nolan huffs as he gets in. "You get to call my teacher and tell her why I bombed that test."

"Aw man! Parent/teacher conferences are mom's job," Taylor pouts as he pulls out of the lot.

"It's Sasha," Nolan snaps.

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