~9~ What Are They Doing?

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Ellie's POV

Last night was so much fun, introducing Gabby to the family. I think she was way overwhelmed, though. We might have scared her a little bit.

Taylor and I are working in the yard when we see Alex grab Colton roughly by the bicep and drag him to our house.

"Uh oh," Taylor says as he starts heading inside. I follow quickly behind.

When we get in the back door, Colton and Alex are coming in the front.

As soon as Alex shuts the door, he starts yelling.


"What are you even talking about?" Colton asks, exasperated.

Alex sighs and puts his finger in Colton's face.

"I told you Friday night to watch the attitude. You're continuing to test me. This is your ONLY chance to explain to me what's wrong, before we go upstairs and I spank you."

"Guess you're going to have to spank me then. There's nothing wrong," he says, crossing his arms.

"You've been off for weeks. You're on edge. You're cranky. You're sneaky. You constantly complain of a headache. WHAT IS GOING ON?"

"Oh, I see. I'm doing something wrong? Maybe you bringing a random ass girl into the house has something to do with it!" He snaps.

Alex shakes his head. "No it doesn't. You've been like this for weeks. Gabby has been here for not even three days. Last chance."


"For you to explain to me why you have been so disrespectful for weeks."

"I don't know what to tell you, dad. You do what you gotta' do."

Alex shrugs nonchalantly. "Thanks for your permission, kid. Don't mind if I do," he says as he grabs Colton by the bicep and drags him upstairs.

I hear the door shut, and a few seconds later, I'm already hearing the sounds of a spanking. Alex is NOT happy.

"Think this is about Gabby?" Taylor asks after another minute.

"No. He was deflecting. Dylan and Colton have been off for weeks. It honestly seems like something to do with drugs."

"Neither of them show any of the signs for being on drugs...Unless it's pot," Taylor says.

"The mood swings don't make sense."

He nods. "I agree. I really don't know."

"How involved do we get?" I ask, getting a Pepsi out of the fridge.

"Very. Dylan is kinda like a grandson, and Colton is our nephew. We become very involved. This isn't just them being disobedient and we let the parents deal with it. This could be life threatening."

I just nod, taking a sip of my soda. The spanking is getting intense, and Colton is really starting to cry.

Nolan comes down, and looks confused. "Why are they here?"

Taylor shrugs. "Because Gabby hasn't been here long. We want her to trust us, not be terrified."

"So we get to listen to all of it from now on?" He asks, rolling his eyes.

Taylor chuckles. "Probably for a while."

"Glad it's not me. Sounds like Alex is really whacking him," he says, stealing my soda and taking a drink.

Taylor laughs again. "Word on the street is that he's the hardest spanker out of all of us. Maybe I should send you to him next time you need one to see what you think."

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