~163~ No One Will Hear

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Emma's POV

It's finally time to move into our house today, and I couldn't sleep last night I was so excited. We had a naked pizza party yesterday for supper, to celebrate getting out of this awful place.

"Ready Emmy?" Trace asks as we finish taping up the last box. Most people spend weeks packing up their place, but not us.

We got everything packed in one day.


We have a lot of money left over, because Lilah got the house for $60,000 below what the rest of the houses in the neighborhood are worth, since
it was so rundown. Plus, Wes and dad did all the repairs—Well, Wes did the repairs, and dad did what he could. Jake, Mason, and Liam helped a lot too.

Trace and I had fun these last few weeks, shopping for furniture with some of the extra money we had left! Wes and Megan bought our kitchen table for us, though. I think they felt a little bad that mom and dad bought us a house, so they wanted to do something. We're not gonna complain!

All of the furniture is going to be delivered this afternoon, and this morning we're cleaning once we get there.

A knock on the door takes me out of my thoughts, and Trace goes to answer it.

As soon as it's opened, Luke jumps on him and knocks him completely down to the floor.

"Today's the best day of my life!" He grins as he pushes on Trace's shoulders, sitting on his stomach

"It's gonna be the worst day of your life if you kill me," Trace groans, with Luke squashing his intestines.

"Ooops. That's true," he says and he gets up and comes over to me, picking me up and spinning me around.

"You're coming home," he says in my ear as he holds me tighter.

I smile at him, fighting tears. I never knew living with the family was ever an option. Now that I know it's not only an option, but a reality, it's still more than I can comprehend.

Dad and Wes walk in, and dad smiles big. "This lunatic wouldn't even wait for us he was so pumped."

"Not my fault you two men are old—Get a stair master or something," Luke says as he throws an empty box at dad—We couldn't even fill all the boxes we bought.

Dad blocks the box, and then looks at Wes.

"Did he just insult us?"

"I heard it," Wes nods with a straight face.

Dad starts walking over to Luke, acting innocent. Luke knows as well as I do that he just messed up.

"Now hold on—we can talk about this," Luke says as he holds his hands out.

"Talk about what, Lukie Boy?" Dad asks, still acting innocent.

"I'm gonna scream if you try and be nasty—All the scary people in this joint will come to help!"

"But buddy—I'm only wanting a hug," dad says, still innocently, yet totally stalking his prey.

Luke takes a big breath and closes his eyes. "Just tell me when it's over."

Dad laughs as he gets to Luke and puts him in a headlock. Even though Luke has muscles, he doesn't have a prayer of getting out of it, so he doesn't even try.

"I'm sorry I called ya old, Chief. You're a spry young man who can kick my ass!" Luke gets out in a breathless plea.

Dad laughs again and let's him go. "That's better. Now get your ass moving and help us carry these boxes," he says as he literally kicks Luke in the butt.

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