~49~ Blue Water

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Sasha's POV

It's my first day of actually teaching Cooper's classes, and I'm beyond terrified. I don't have a problem with public speaking, I actually enjoy it...But I'm teaching in a class, being watched by Cooper. It's awkward.

Yes, I know I have watched him for months, but this is different. Cooper is already a teacher and confident in what he's doing. I'm not.

I go into his room and he gives me a big smile.

"Nervous?" He grins.

"Oh yeah," I say, letting out a breathy laugh.

He nods. "The first day I was supposed to teach, I threw up that morning. I get it. I promise I won't leave you high and dry. I'll help you when and if you need it."

"Thanks," I smile as I go over my notes one last time. I just want to go home and forget about being a teacher.

By the time the first class starts filing in, I feel like I'm going to throw up.

Cooper and I take attendance together, and then I stand up and begin my lesson. I start pretending like Cooper isn't in the room, and that this is my class.

Well, I notice that things aren't going great. Several of the students think that since I'm not Mr. Keegan, they don't need to listen to me.

I ignore it as best as I can, until it just becomes too much.

"I'm sorry, what exactly is going on here?" Cooper asks, standing up and coming next to me. I give him a look as I try not to cry. This is awful. I'm only fifteen minutes into my first day teaching, and I already need someone to step in and help me.

Maybe I'm not cut out for this after all.

"Samuel, Hailey, Ashley, Petey, Brock, and Cash, you six are being disrespectful. Would you be talking and goofing around if I was teaching today?"

"No sir" they all say softly.

"Then you won't be with her. You have all earned yourselves detention. One more word out of any of you will result in me calling each of your parents. Trust me when I say you don't want me to do that."

They all look at their books, embarrassed. Cooper is an extremely laid-back teacher, so the fact that he was talking to them so sternly is definitely unsettling.

"Now I'm going to sit back down. If I have to step in again, you six will not be having a good day."

By the time I get back into my lesson, I'm trying not to act like I'm upset...I'm channeling my mother, and putting on a brave face even though I don't feel it. All I really want to do is go home and cry.

Once the class is over and the students leave, Cooper gives me an encouraging smile and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You seriously did amazing, Sasha. I'm so proud of you."

I just smile at him as I get my stuff situated for the next class.

"You're upset, huh?"

"I'm just embarrassed. I should have been able to deal with it."



He nods and looks at me with a straight face, speaking quietly since more students are coming in.

"Kids test their boundaries. It doesn't matter who you are, they will test them. Last year I had a sub for a week while I was in the hospital, and when I got back, he was beyond frustrated. My students were awful for him. Doesn't mean you're not cut out to be a teacher. You handled yourself well and you didn't let it bother you. You're going to be a great teacher."

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