~139~ 11 Months More Mature

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Again, I never know what constitutes a Trigger Warning. Small mention of a triggering subject, but most of the chapter is fine!

Ellie's POV

"I'm telling you right now, Justin William, if you even try, I'm gonna sucker punch you in the face and mess up your scene for tomorrow."

"Ellie, you just really look like you need a hug," he says innocently.

"Jaw or nose?"

"For where to punch me?"


"Um....Well I have a couple of lines tomorrow."

I nod. "Jaw it is. I'll do everyone a favor and they won't have to hear you."

"Man this sunburn is making you cranky. Let me hug you and help you get less crabby."

"Don't even think about it!"

I'm feeling more pain by the minute. Sleeping tonight is gonna be real fun.

He starts to laugh and walk over towards me, when Jake comes out of his room. The moment we see him, we quit bickering and stare at him.

"Well?" Justin asks impatiently.

Jake silently goes over to a barstool and sits down, picking up the file he's looked through 100 times.

When I sit next to him, he looks at me. "Just clarify something for me, will you? My head is spinning."

I silently nod and wait for him to continue.

"There is absolutely NO concerns of abuse with this girl, right?"


"You afraid she's gonna hit one of the kids or something?" Justin hisses.

Jake's eyes blaze. "Get your head out of your ass. That's not the kind of abuse I'm talking about. I'm bringing an older child into a home with a younger one...Granted it's only by a year, but still. The other child is the same age as she is. I HAVE to make sure."

"What are you talking about?"

Jake shakes his head in disgust. "Sexual abuse, dingbat. I need to know what I'm bringing into my family. Ellie, there are no concerns of sexual abuse, right?"

"No. You and I have both spoken with her social worker, her foster parents, and her therapist. All three said there's no worry. The social worker even said that if it were a concern, they would never allow her to be adopted to you, since you have children at home."

He nods as he sits back down and continues looking through the file. I think he knows it by heart at this point.

I grimace when I sit down too roughly, and my leg scratches the fabric .

"Awww, sis, you look like you're in pain. Can I give you a hug?" Justin asks again.

"Read between the lines," I say as I hold up three fingers.

Jake looks at me and grins. "Maybe next time when I tell you that you're looking a little pink, and we should go to the drugstore to get some sunblock, you won't argue....hmmmm?"

"I didn't argue!"

Jake scoffs as he puts the file down. "Eleanor, do you not remember what you told me?"


He rolls his eyes. "Come on—You do too. When I told you to put on sunblock, what did you say?"

I sigh as I cross my arms, and wince in pain. "That you're only 11 months older than me, so quit being so bossy and acting like you're my dad."

"Uh huh. So, maybe 11 months makes a difference in maturity, huh?"

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