~58~ She's Not Good For Me

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Gabby's POV

We're all standing in the lobby, waiting to check out, when Jake comes up to Alex.

"Just thought you needed to know that Gabby had the brilliant idea of sneaking out and going swimming Friday night."

Alex turns on me, absolutely furious.

"Tell me that Jake is confused"

"He's confused"

Welp, that was the wrong thing to say. His nostrils start flaring out and his face starts getting red. Then he turns to Jake.

"We even now?"

"You talking about the DILF thing?"

Alex simply nods.

"Talking about an inappropriate sexual phrase in front of a 12 year old versus a life-endangering situation.....Sounds like we're even," he says, shrugging his shoulders.

Alex nods and grabs me by the arm, dragging me to the corner of the filled lobby. I'm assuming he's just going to tell me all the miserable ways I'm going to be punished.

INSTEAD, he turns me to the side, pulls me tight to his side, and delivers 12 excruciatingly hard spanks to my bottom. The noise is so loud, it brings attention from not only our family, but the workers and other guests. You can hear a pin drop once he's done.

"That's only a taste of what you're getting, young lady," he says as he starts dragging me to the car.

I'm so completely humiliated, I just want to die. I see Taylor, Ellie, and Nolan watching me, and I know Ellie feels bad. She knows how completely embarrassed I am.

I can't even look at Nolan. Knowing I get spanked is one thing, seeing it is more awful than I can put into words. I'm so mad at Alex, I can't look at him either.

When we get in the car and Alex peals out, Lilah speaks.

"Alexander Levi Clark, if you don't slow this car down this second, I'm going to kick your ass."

Alex immediately eases up on the gas.

After a minute, Lilah shakes her head. "You're in it again, Alex. Pull over and we'll call Ellie."

"No!" He yells.

"I shouldn't have to call my best friend every time this shit happens. I don't know what it is about this girl but she pisses me off more than Colton ever has. I haven't had a damn episode in almost twenty years,  besides the time with Savannah, and she comes along and I have two in just a few months. I'm not calling Ellie, I'll get out of it myself."

Get out of what? I have no idea what he's talking about, but I don't care. All I know is I'm embarrassed and my feelings are now hurt. It's obvious that I make him mad all the time.

After another twenty minutes of driving, Lilah starts crying.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Alex snaps. I've never heard him talk to her like that before. Colton immediately stiffens.

"I wish more than anything I could get you out of it, but I can't. Please pull over. Your hand is shaking bad now and I'm afraid of you."

Alex sighs loudly as he pulls over like a dang maniac and slams on the brakes.

Then he punches the steering wheel hard three times, making the horn go off.

"Dad, knock it the hell off," Colton yells.

"Leave him be, Colton. I mean it," Lilah says softly.

Then she gets on her phone. When she starts talking, she's crying.

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