~122~ Villian

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Ellie's POV

"What does that even mean? The family I want. What the hell, Ellie?"

Taylor inches closer, not liking how Justin is talking to me.

"I haven't seen you this happy in, well.....I don't even know. If mom and our long-lost brother and sister make you happy, then by all means. Want help packing?"

"Pauly and Kendra."


"That's their names."

"I don't care what their names are."

"Why not? We have more blood relatives. Isn't that cool?"

"No. It's not cool. If mom wouldn't have abandoned us, and would have stayed, they wouldn't even be here. Or, if mom would have left dad, but still had split custody, we could have all grown up together. But she didn't. She decided that you, Jake, and I weren't good enough, and she had a different, better family. I'm not interested in meeting them. You obviously are, and that's great. When are you leaving?"

"I don't understand why you're so upset."

"WHY AM I NEVER GOOD ENOUGH?" I scream, and my stupid tears start falling.

"What are you talking about?" He asks as his voice gets softer.

"Jake and I...We've never been good enough. None of us were good enough for mom. Then dad. Then you. Why aren't we enough for you?"

"That's a really shitty thing to say," he says darkly, leaning back in the chair.

I roll my eyes and sniff, wiping another tear.

"You and I were as close as Emma and Luke. And then one day, we weren't. I don't understand what I did to make you hate me."

"I DON'T!" He screams, making me flinch.

"Something happened."

He's quiet as he looks at the cookie still on the counter.

"There you go....See? You shut down. Real emotion is impossible for you to have, huh? That must be why you pump yourself full of Botox all the damn time. Heaven forbid Justin Freeman acts like a human."

He shakes his head, still glaring at the cookie.

"I remember the exact day it changed, Ellie. Don't give me the crock of shit that I don't care. I remember the exact damn day."


"It was our 14th birthday."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You want me to spell it out for you?" He spits.

"Yes, I do."

He glares at the cookie as he starts telling me about the day I lost my brother.


Today is my 14th birthday, and I'm excited. I go downstairs and see Justin at the fridge, and I jump on his back and cover his eyes with my hands.

"Guess who!"

He chuckles. "You're tiny and annoying. I don't need to guess. Happy Birthday, twin."

I kiss his cheek and uncover his eyes. "Happy Birthday. Think dad remembered?"

"Of course I did!" Dad says behind me as he kisses my cheek. I jump off Justin's back and grin at him. He hugs Justin and gets in the pantry.

He gets out the most delicious looking donuts EVER, and we both take a couple.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now