~194~ Waited My Whole Life

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Sasha's POV

We decided on a name for this baby a while ago, but have kept it a secret from everyone. Once everyone gets here to officially see him, we will tell them. I'm sitting here, watching my husband hold his new son, and wonder how I got so lucky.

Mason is everything I always wanted.

Once visiting hours come, so does our family. Dad walks in, holding Drew's hand, and Drew starts clapping excitedly.

"Papa! That's my brother," Drew whispers loudly.

Dad nods as he lifts Drew up and puts him on the bed next to me carefully.

"You ok, mommy?" He asks as he touches my cheek gently.

"I'm great. How did you sleep last night, baby?"

"Good," he says as he stares at his brother, never taking his eyes off of him.

"Wanna hold him?"

"I can?!?!" He asks, looking at Mason in surprise.

"Of course, Little Dude! This guy has been excited to meet ya. We've been telling him all about you."

Drew smiles big as he sits with his back against the pillow, being as still as he can. Mason puts the baby in his arms, and he and I both help Drew hold him.

Mom and several others take several pictures of our little family of four, when I look around.

"Wanna meet him?" I ask Josie and Dylan.

They both grin as they walk over, sitting on the edge of the bed too. Josie takes the baby's tiny hand, and he curls his fingers around hers.

She smiles big and nods. "I'm so glad he's here."

"Me too!" Dylan says he rubs his small cheek gently with the side of his pointer finger.

"What's his name?" Drew asks, never once taking his eyes off of his brother.

"His name is Clayton Dylan West."

I see Dylan blink in astonishment, and clear his throat.

"Is that ok, Dylan?" Mason asks with a soft smile.

"You didn't have to do that," he says, sounding like he's fighting tears.

"We decided from the beginning that we wanted our children to be named after strong people. Anyone who is willing to fight for our country is strong, so he needs to have your name."

Dylan is fighting tears even harder as he walks over and hugs Mason. Then he kisses my head. "Thank you."

"Love you, brother," Mason says.

"I love you too."

Drew looks at Mason. "Who was I named after?"

Mason smiles. "Papa Taylor."

Dad smirks. "And the strongest man of all—Your daddy."

"Daddy's name is Mason," Drew argues.

Dad nods. "But his middle name is Andrew."

"So I get two strong names?"

I kiss his curls and nod. "Yeah baby—You do."

Drew smiles as he looks back at his brother.

"I wanna call him Clay. Can I?"

"Of course you can," Mason says. "Wanna give someone else a chance to meet him?"

"No thanks. I've waited my whole life to have a brother."

Everybody laughs out loud at him, but he's dead serious.

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