~160~ Quit Making Him A Saint

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Ellie's POV

The next day I get ready for work, and Alex is silent as he goes into the kitchen and makes himself some cereal. He's already dressed in his uniform, and I can tell he's anxious to leave.

"Mom, do you have a $20?" Colton asks when he comes downstairs.

She nods as she goes to get her purse off the table. She's showing houses all day today, so she won't be home until tonight.

She hands him a $20, and he kisses her cheek and leaves quickly. Once he does, Alex slams his spoon in his milk, sloshing it on the table.

"You seriously just gave him money?"


"Why would you do that?!?"

Lilah puts her hands on her hips. "Because my son needed money."

"For what?"

"That's not my business."

"It's our money! If it was his money, then no it's not our business... But it's ours!"

"What's wrong with you? It was only $20!"

"Don't you think it's a little weird that he's asking for money?"

"No—I always asked my dad for money."

Taylor rolls his eyes as he puts his work shirt on.

"Lilah.......Nope. Never mind," Taylor says as he throws his phone charger in his bag.


"Nothing. I have to go to work."

"No, tell me!"

Taylor sighs as he starts walking over to me. "You're kinda becoming a brat. I hope once you get your house back, you stop. Listen to what Alex is saying," he says as he hugs me tight and kisses my cheek.

"Be safe, Chief!"

He nods as he kisses my lips softly. "We're all coming home, baby girl."

He waves to Lilah and Alex, and leaves.

The emptiness I feel when he leaves for shift never goes away. It never gets easier.

Sometimes I wish he would just retire.

Lilah looks back at Alex and grabs her purse. "Tell me why I can't give my son money?"

"Because he's gambling again, Lilah!"

"No he isn't."

Alex shakes his head and stands up, putting his bowl in the sink.

"Do whatever you want then—it's obvious I don't know shit about anything," he says as he puts on his shoes and leaves.

"What was that about?" She asks once he gets in his car.

"We got in a little fight last night. Ask him about it when you get home."

Lilah nods as she looks at her phone. "You can take Gabby to school today?"

"Of course."

"Ok, then I'm gonna get going. My first showing is half an hour away. Have a good day, sister."

"You too," I grin as I grab a soda out of the fridge.

Nolan and Gabby come downstairs at the same time, and ignore each other—They haven't spoken a single word to each other since they got punished the day before yesterday.

"Morning," I smile as Nolan comes over and kisses me.


"Sleep well?"

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