[2] Foster Family Love

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-I really love the show, The Fosters, so there will be people from the show in this one-shot so yeah. If you haven't watched the show, watch it! Its amazing! And if you have, Jonnor is so cute and amazing. :) And there'll be two parts to this :)-



I wake up in my foster home room in which I share with my brother, Jude. I got adopted by the Fosters about a month ago and this family is both amazing and unique. There's a girl named Callie, a boy named Jude, another girl named Mariana, and a guy named Brandon. Their all my brothers and sisters.

Although, Jesus went to a boarding school so he won't be with us for a long while, which is okay I guess. And the two moms who adopted me were Lena and Stef. Their the most sweetest and kindest lesbian moms you could meet.

When I first came here, I kinda had a crush on Jesus since he is pretty hot, but he also could be a tad annoying, which made me not like him as much. He's kind of a man slut which also made me kind of hate him, who wouldn't want him though.

Anyway, I get up from bed, Jesus' bed since I sleep in there now, with Jude, then I grab my phone off from the desk and when I walk to the door, I see Jude sleeping with Connor, it makes me smile. Their such a cute little couple. "So cute." I whispered as I grabbed the door handle and opened the door slowly then closed it behind me with a quiet sound of it closing.

Callie walks out of her and Mariana's room and she smiles when she sees me, we're like the best of friends. "How'd you sleep?" She asked in her normal Australian accent. "I slept good, kept thinking about who Lena and Stef are adopting.." Their adopting another kid, which is great and all but I'm not really sure about it.

"Same here. He just better not cause trouble for the family, I'm not letting that happen." I nodded. "Same here." I shook my head then Lena comes out of her and Stefs room to see us. "Ah, so you two are awake as always. Let's get some breakfast." We both smiled along with her then walked downstairs with her to the kitchen.

We each grab a different kind of cereal and a bowl and spoon then set all of that down as I grab the milk. I pour the milk in each of our bowls after we all poured the amount of cereal that we want then put the milk back into the fridge. We start eating our cereal with me and Callie on one side, then Lena on the other.

"So. Have you found out who to adpot? Or their name?" Callie asked after swallowing a bite of her cereal. "Uhm actually yes. Me and Stef decided that we will adopt a kid named Liam Payne, he's your age, guys, 17. By his profile, he's a sweet and kind kid, and in some deeper details, he's gay, like you, Niall, so don't try and get to him, you know the rules." I groaned.

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