[114] Helping A Friend [RQ]

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Prompt: Niall's friend Ali helps him with his ongoing crush, Liam Payne. He had been trying to get the athlete's attention, but nothing seemed to work until Ali pulled a few strings to make things a bit easier.

Requested by: LouisLover2017

The college young man scoured through his textbooks, groaning as the thought of studying for any longer filled him with dread and annoyance. He had had plenty of tests coming up, papers and projects to do within the span of a few months, and he wasn't looking forward to doing anything of that kind of business.

Ali comes into his room with a grin across her face, sitting down next to him as she held her phone with her right hand, it buzzing repeatedly as she noticed all of Niall's open and busted books. The fact that he was still working until the morning, it being late at night, showed that he was stressed out and that he needed some fun.

“Why don't we go to the game tomorrow night, Nialler? You need the time to relax, gather your thoughts and focus on the fun part of college. You'll get to see Liam as well, and I'm sure you miss seeing him sweat and-”

“Yes yes, I get it, Ali,” Niall chuckles, “I'm just trying to cram everything in my head so I can focus on the fun parts of college... But going to the game seems like a really good idea if I'm being honest with you.” Ali squealed, getting up from her seat before going towards her bed. The pair had shared a room, which was the best decision for their friendship, but hard when she had late night talks with her boyfriend, Louis.

“Wonderful! I'll tell Louis, then we can get some proper sleep before we have to deal with our classes tomorrow, okay?” Niall nodded, slipping under the sheets after checking his notifications and making sure that he completed everything that he needed to do so before his slumber.

The pair then went to bed after the last few texts, brushing their teeth and washing their faces. Niall was somehow nervous for tomorrow, not wanting to deal with the people who would wonder why he was there or seeing Liam look so adorable and sexy at the same time with his girlfriend that was just as gorgeous as him.

He didn't think about them for too long as he woke up to the sun shining into the room, hearing the shower run and the smell of breakfast nearby that made his stomach rumble.

The Irish boy sat up as he stretched his arms and legs out, yawning when he got out of bed to adjust himself further. He went over to the breakfast that was on his desk and smiled at the sweet gesture made by his amazing friend.

Niall ate at it immediately as he opened his computer and signed into it simultaneously. He went to his socials in the different tabs and scoured the new updates, statuses, and emails that he received since the time he went to bed.

Instagram seemed to catch his eye though, as Liam posted a photo of him looking out of his dorm window dramatically. The Irishman quickly read through the caption afterward, becoming more curious as he ate the delicious breakfast before he nearly choked on it.

LiamPayne1993: I know a lot of you guys know, but I just had to post about this since I'm well known around here... Basically, my girlfriend and I decided to end things, because of me, and I hope that everyone will be civil and normal around me. It was my decision, and I hope to find someone who can understand my issue x

Just as Niall had finished reading it, Ali came out of the bathroom fully clothed and a hair towel on her head as she brushed her teeth. She was also texting Louis while he went over to Niall, frowning when realizing that he was smiling big.

“What's going on with you, Ni?” The Irish boy pointed at the computer screen as his eyes were still dilated, continuing to eat the food as his heart beaten rapidly at its rare rate.

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