[130] Little Cupcake

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Prompt: Niall is known as the cupcake in school, wearing flower crowns and a dash of makeup with his unique looks. People respect him and a certain hardass respects him a little more but is scared to admit his strong, odd feelings.

Dedicated To: KissingWhiteLies

Niall fixes the flown crown that sat atop his head, smiling with pure bliss as he stared into the mirror before him. He was in the bathroom of his school, making sure everything was in order before class began minutes later. He wanted to look his best.

There was nothing wrong with doing such a thing, but Niall never felt himself if he didn't put on his makeup and specific clothing that he loved to bits and pieces. Wearing anything else seemed like a crime and very unnatural for him and has been since he was the age of seven years old.

No one minded his choice of clothing and make-up, overall. Every person he'd meet would compliment him, give him flowers or do anything nice if they could. Niall appreciated each and every person that'd do so and was thankful to live in a time where people acted just this like.

Speaking of which, Louis, his best friend, had entered the bathroom and smiled from ear to ear when seeing the Irish boy. He gave him a quick hug before handling his business in one of the few stalls.

“So, what are your plans for today? The day just began, but you usually have something going on, mister popular.” Niall rolled his eyes, carefully putting on the mascara that he had whilst listening to music with one of the earbuds in his ear.

“I actually have nothing planned, surprisingly. I've wanted a day off from the unique plans, anyway. I need the rest.” Louis chuckled at his words, shaking his head as he flushed the toilet then left the stall in a matter of a few seconds.

“I'm sure something will come up today. Maybe even Liam Payne will talk to you; I've seen the way he looks at you.” Niall rolled his eyes again as Louis washed his hands with a sly smile on his shaven face.

“I sincerely doubt that'll happen, Lou. He hasn't even spoken a word to me or even landed a simple touch on me. I see nothing happening with him if he continues to do nothing, even if he is quite attractive.”

It was Louis' turn to roll his eyes while he shut off the sink, grabbing his backpack as he stared at Niall simultaneously.

The smaller brunette had a feeling that Niall was wrong about his claim, but he really wasn't sure why.

“I'm positive that we can understand why he's a hardass as well, Nialler. He pushes people's buttons without trying his hardest and messes with the gay guys all the time, and not in the bad way, Horan, so you have to be careful when it comes to him.”

Niall felt his cheeks burn up a little as he nodded, hearing Louis then walk off and out of the bathroom as he finished his makeup. School was about to start for real, so he had to leave as soon as possible.

After gathering his belongings, he exited the bathroom and made his way to the classroom, trying his best to walk as fast as possible, but could feel a pair of eyes that made him slow down a little and become oddly curious of his surroundings.

He didn't want to make whoever know that he knew about their gaze, but Niall couldn't help to look around to try and figure out who was looking at him.

There was no luck though, as he continued to walk towards and into his classroom without finding the pair of eyes.

It made him a little worried though, as it could've been anyone staring at him. He didn't want to make the situation worse, so he thought about his education at hand.

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