[64] Unhappy [RQ]

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Requested by: SarahBroch (I love her and her many requests that she gives me. Keep them coming, please!)

Liam rests his hands over his boyfriend of 11 months, Niall's, smiling brightly at his gorgeous boy as they're enjoying some chips and tea. They haven't had a lot of time to spend together, because of work and Liam's own responsibilities.

But today was a free day for them both and Liam couldn't be more happy to spend time with his loving boyfriend, who loves him back just as much. He doesn't know how, but Niall does.

Although, Liam has been keeping a secret from Niall since day one and it's been eating him up inside lately and he wants to tell the blonde. It's hard to, because he feels as though Niall will be upset for not telling him after so long.

He wants to man up more though and he wants to tell Niall more about his private life. No matter if the blonde leaves him or not, Liam needs to tell his boyfriend what he has been keeping bottled up, since the first day they met.

"So your face has gotten to look pretty hardcore. What's on your mind, Li?" Liam begins to blush from his lover's question, lacing his hands with the blonde's as he sighs softly.

"I should've told you this when we first met, but I was too scared that you'd wanna leave me. Now that I look on certain moments we had together though, I realized, just now, that you love kids. I'm only bringing that up because, well, I have twins."

Liam squeezes his eyes shut, still afraid of getting yelled at by his lover, but that doesn't happen. He opens his eyes and looks at a smiling, teary-eyed beauty in front of him. Are those happy tears?

"You have t-twins, Li? Thats amazing!" He stated cheerfully, before sniffling with a small laugh. Liam grins at Niall's response and kisses the base of his hands sweetly, his heart beating fast.

"What's amazing is that you aren't yelling at me right now. I thought you would since I've been hiding this for so long..." Niall shakes his head, a smile still shown on his face as he leans over to peck Liam's lips.

"I would never be angry with you, Liam. I'm so glad that you told me about this, but when can I meet them," Niall asks with a bigger smile showing on his face. Liam blushes hard.

"H-How about now," the brunette boy suggests. Niall nods in agreement and stands up from his seat, holding his tea in his left hand. Liam stands up with him, but he holds his tea in his right hand.

"I'd love to meet your twins and I hope that they'll accept me, since I'll be living with you now." Liam grins slightly and laces his free hand with Niall's. placing a kiss against the boy's temple.

"I'm sure they'll love you. They haven't had another father figure in so long, so this should be good for them. Their other father left them when they were just born and it's been hard." Niall pouts as Liam's grin fades, getting into the car with him as he begins to feel bad for his lover.

"I'm sorry, Li. But now that I'm living with you, maybe everything will be better for you and the twins?" Liam's smile slightly comes back as he starts up the car, letting out a gentle sigh.

"I hope so, Ni."

When they make it to the house, their house now, Liam and Niall enter the living room where the twins are with Louis, the boy's best friend.

"Oh there you two are. Harry is in the guest room and I need to get up there. You're welcome by the way," Louis said before rushing up to the guest room. Liam wanted to tell him something, but he just sits down with Niall as he looks at his kids.

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