[167] Gone Rogue [RQ]

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Prompt: Niall is a rogue omega who finds himself lost in an alpha territory where omegas are rare to come by.

Requested by: RealityCrush

Niall couldn't handle the repetitive morning routines in his pack any longer after a cold morning. He didn't want to leave Shawn and Josh behind, but he knew that something needed to change for his own sake or he'd severely lose his corrupted mind.

That's why he escaped later in the day, carrying his sack of clothing and necklace he made from teeth he acquired from his prey. He made his way into new territory within a few hours, stumbling past trees and bushes to find himself in a lively town that screamed privileged and rich vibes.

Niall suffered through the uneasy feeling though, perking himself up as he walked down the concrete ground. He kept his eyes away from other people who looked at him in confusion. They all smelled like alphas, which only filled his body with nerves as he began to sweat a little from his brow.

Tall buildings surrounded him when he made it to the center of town, or at least what seemed like it. Bright, booming lights coated the streets, small trees lined each road, and all he could smell was alphas, alphas, and more alphas.

”Was is this place,” he asked himself in complete confusion. He turns around to bump into a familiar figure, eyes immediately growing wide at who he sees. “Louis? This is where you-”

“Not a good place to chat. Follow me.”

Niall took his word and followed Louis into a nearby club where the intense smell of alpha was extremely prominent. He couldn't handle the strength of it much longer before he'd find himself pouncing onto one of the many men who would happily take him in, he thought.

Louis pulled him along to the backroom, doing his best to push past the alphas who knew him well, before locking the velvet door behind him. They were met with two men who oozed an intense scent of clear alpha that made Niall's heart race faster.

“Zayn, Liam, this is Niall. He's the one omega that I've been talking about for months now.”

Niall reaches out his hand for them to shake it, but they each step closer to him and sniff him out. Zayn only takes a few seconds, but Liam continues to examine Niall longer. Niall doesn't know why he's doing this, but he doesn't complain, even when Liam starts laying a few touches on his middle.

“Liam, don't scare the poor omega. He doesn't even know what to expect around here and you're already all up on him.” Liam growls and continues to sniff Niall, ignoring the omega. Louis sighs. “I'm glad you weren't like that, Zee. I know how alphas are around here since I am, well, since Niall and I are the only omegas around here. It's hard for alphas to remain calm.”

Niall frowns. “How come?”

Liam's eyes trail along Niall's body. “It helps us control our ruts better, so we don't have to worry about pups and letting go of our personal lives but...” He smiles wide. “You seem like an absolutely stunning exception.”

Louis rolls his eyes and helps Zayn pull Liam away from Niall who stood there with a sly smile spread across his face. “Don't even think about taking Niall out of all the omegas in the forest. He is way too vulnerable and innocent, and I won't let you ruin such purity that he's contained since birth.”

Liam chuckles and shrugs his shoulders, clearly not caring about what the other omega has to say about this situation.

“I'll have my time with this gorgeous omega, and nobody is going to stop me from claiming what's so rightfully mine.” With that, he leaves the room and slams the door shut behind him. This cause the others to jump in surprise and gasp loudly.

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