[Pt.2] Ignorant Alpha [RQ] [!]

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A/N: Part two everyone! I hope at least some of you will be excited for it! But, I know, that a lot of you want part two's for everything, but you'll have to give me more than just "part 2 please!"

Like, what do you want to happen? I'm not trying to be sassy and rude, but I need ideas for a 2nd part if you ever want them :) 💝 for now, enjoy this one, and thank you for the ideas, whoever gave them to me :)

Dedicated to: Aney_Ney mcrews6 ToiletTomlinson LillyGornick Little_Savior & sophlb02

Contains: Alpha!Liam (26), Omega!Niall (22)

The moonlight shines through the curtain as the omega and alpha lie in bed together. Niall had just told Liam to mate him and knot him, but before he could do that, they had to go for a pack meeting; which lasted way too long for their liking as the blonde started feeling antsy, so was Liam.

They finally made it back to their hub when clock stroke 10. Everyone was mostly sleep, the ones who were awake were probably the adult wolves, including Liam and Niall of course.

They only have the one moon as their source of light, but it is shining pretty bright tonight so they can see each other clearly, mostly. Niall turns to look at Liam, both continuously being nude as the brunette has so many ideas and thoughts roaming around in his head.

"Do you want to do this, Li? I'm sure you do since you couldn't keep your hands off me during the meet." He whispered into Liam's ear huskily, making the alpha groan and bite his lower lip, hard, afterward.

"I-I do baby, but its just that... I get really rough on bed, and I don't want to hurr your frail body. The love making, it makes me go crazy, it sends me into his overdrive that just makes me want to go harder, faster.

I usually go too rough that I make my lover bleed..." Niall chuckles softly and shakes his head.

He has been with many alpha's in his lifetime, not by his choice, and he was the omega sex toy in his last pack. He ran away after it got too difficult and found this one, and he couldn't he happier to rule with Liam, and to have him as well.

"I don't care about that. I just want you to mate me, knot me, and love me. You can break the bed for all I care. The other wolves don't care that we're doing this because it's mandatory.

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