[154] Easy Apologies [RQ]

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Prompt: Niall is touring in Ireland while Liam is at home in London. A quick dispute leaves Niall angry and upset but coming back home turns out better than expected.

Requested by: Panther166

Niall was pacing around backstage after the concert ended. He sang his heart out for the wonderful fans that loved him dearly and vice versa, but he expected a text from Liam during the performance. Alas, Niall received nothing and he had to leave the venue for his hotel room near the stadium where he performed.

He eventually looked at his phone and noticed a text message from Liam. Seeing it calmed him down enough to regain his steady breathing and respond to his lover.

From Liam: Sorry I haven't had the time to text you, love! I finally got back home after a long shift, and I hope we can make up the time since you've already done your performance tonight x

To Liam: Yes, we shall make up the time. I do hope that your shift went well today because the audience tonight was truly amazing. I almost choked up a little.

Niall missed these texts when he stepped on stage. He gave his fans more attention when necessary because they deserved it for treating him so well. He doesn't want to treat them badly, not even for a second.

From Liam: Zayn continued to try and hold me back even longer, but I knew that he was only trying to tease me. It didn't work at all, and I can admit that he gets too touchy when I don't like it at all. Sorry that I brought this up to you, love. I needed to let it out.

Niall sighs and clenches his jaw. He doesn't like Zayn one bit, and this was one of the many reasons why.

To Niall: You should've told him straight up that he should have the knowledge of you and I being together. But I guess that wasn't significant enough?

He didn't enjoy getting angry with Liam, but he had the right to tell him off if he was being ignorant or unjust in any sort of situation or dispute. Liam seemed to really not try that hard when stopping Zayn, and it bothered him more than anything else today.

From Liam: I said I'm sorry, what else do you want me to do? I can't be rude to Zayn when he's the one who got me this job in the first place. It'd be rude in itself.

Niall rolls his eyes. There's the ignorance again.

To Liam: That's the thing! You can't tell people no or to stop when it's the most important strategy. I can't believe you have such a big heart but it's put to no use in the direst situations.

Niall was fuming at this point. He didn't know if he could stop while Liam continued to reply back within a minute or two each time. He wanted Liam to realize the truth.

From Liam: Whatever. I'll see you when you get back home, and we'll discuss it then. Bye.

Niall clenches his jaw and lets his phone drop onto the bed, not wanting to accidentally throw it against a wall where it'd crack and be usable. He uses the fast minutes to stare up at the wall, really trying to figure out where he went wrong in all of this.

When he got back home, unlocking the door was the first thing Niall had to do. He didn't expect to since Liam was definitely home by now. After he unlocked the front entrance, he was met with white rose petals trickling around the first corner. He sighs and rolls his eyes, not expecting this surprise after the last conversation he and Liam had together.

Reluctantly, he hung up his jacket, slipped off his shoes, then began his trek down the hall of rose petals. It took only a few moments for him to stop at the bedroom door and open it with complete delicacy.

Niall's met by Liam leaning against the headboard of their bed. His right leg is arched up, evidently hiding a particular surprise behind it, while wearing nothing but a pair of underwear that hugged his upper thighs and crotch well enough for Niall to groan at the sight.

"Good evening, my love. Come lay down with me, will you? We have a few things to discuss that are of utmost importance for the two of us." The look on Liam's face screamed sincerity, and Niall couldn't object to such an expression that drew him in instantaneously.

He slipped off a few pieces of his own clothing before laying down the one man who could make up him upset and please every bit of him at the same exact time. He finally notices the hidden object behind Liam, in the meantime. Niall picks up the velvet box and finds a gold necklace strewn within the soft fabric that was placed inside the encasement.

"I was waiting to give you this for our anniversary, but it felt like a better opportunity after how long the separation turned out to be." He bit his bottom lip and helped put the accessory on his lover who held a smile on his face. "I know it isn't much, but the inside of the locket never fails to bring me joy whenever I read it. I hope it'll be the same for you."

Niall looks down at the locket and reads the inside's simple contents, reading "Our love is forever." The smile on his face grows as a response, and he doesn't hesitate to bring Liam into a kiss. This seals the end of their last argument, allowing them to start fresh and enter a new phase in their life together.

For the rest of the night, Liam held Niall close into his side. He kissed his lover's head whenever he had the chance to do so, and he never failed to bring a smile onto Niall's face. This single reaction made his heart skip a beat each time, for he loved Niall's smile the most when it came to his interests.

"You're sure that we're alright again?" Liam brought this up again right before going to bed. It has been bugging him ever since he gave Niall the ring and never solidified the end to their argument verbally.

Niall looks up at him, nodding. "Yeah, I think we're okay. It's obvious that I'm never going to be over you though, so I hope that it's obvious for you."

Liam grins from ear to ear. “I'll never forget how much you mean to me and how much I love you. You're forever important to me. I will never be able to get over you.” This earns him a smile and a generous kiss to the lips that keep him content and eager enough to pull Niall in and hold the man close. He wants to hold him forever and make sure that they're forever happy together, even when there are bumps in the road which affect his state of mind indefinitely. He needs Niall in his life, for good.

“I believe that we'll never fall out of our love that has been built up for so long,” Liam spoke with a large grin stretched across his face. He trickles his fingers down Niall's body and kisses the soft skin of the man's face without ever letting his smile fade.

Niall grins as a response, heart beating fast just for Liam who never failed to make him happy after a long and tumultuous day. He always counted on Liam, and he was never disappointed.

“I sure hope our easy apologies never fail us.”


Author's Note: A bit shorter than usual, but I hope this was still good! I love fluffy Niam after an argument. Love you all and thanks for reading x

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