[174] Life Of Death [RQ]

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Prompt: A single touch can mean the end of life or a new beginning for Liam Payne. Would he ever take the risk to find that one person?

Requested by: georgiarose2648

When waking up, Niall took note of how gloomy it was outside. He examined the leaves that fell, only to die right as they touched the ground, how the sun was behind a set of clouds when it could be in front of them, lighting the way for people on their own journeys.

It saddened him to see all of this right when waking up on a brand new day, but he got ready nonetheless. He slipped into the shower for a good, few minutes, disposing of the dirt and grime he acquired from laying in his own filth last night after working outside. He'd have to do some laundry when coming back home from school, that's for sure.

After settling into some clothing and brushing his teeth, he enters the kitchen to greet his mother who appeared distraught and uneasy.

“Hey, is everything alright?”

She turns and sends him a sad smile, resting a hand on his right arm as bacon and eggs sizzle on their respective pans. “Your father has been working a lot lately and it's put a toll on me, for some reason. Today hit me hard, and I apologize for the negativity. I'm usually happy and energetic. This is strange.”

Niall plants a kiss on her head. “Today is gloomy outside, so I don't blame you for the negative behavior. Tomorrow will be a better day, I assure you. Let's fight through the battles and come out smiling.”

She smiles softly and nods, giving her youngest son a hug and kiss to both of his temples before going back to the breakfast.

Niall ate it once she finished, giving her a hug farewell before actually walking down the short way to his school. It was only a few blocks away but having to witness the sadness of outside didn't benefit his mood all that well. He had to persevere for his own sake and his mother's who was acting quite different.

Nonetheless, he enters the school within a few minutes, noticing a majority of people with a similar mood of distraught and sadness etched upon their faces. He frowns, wondering why everybody was feeling this way before the bell rang, signaling an announcement.

“I'm sure most of you have heard the news, but I'd like to confirm that we lost one of our students today to unknown causes. Zayn Malik was a star athlete and brave soul for how hard he worked and accomplished everything, but life can be cruel and unusual. If any of you need to discuss personal experiences or need a breather, you are able to for the whole day. Stay strong, everybody.”

My heart sank at the realization. What could've happened to Zayn? He was so careful when it came to driving, sports, and anything in general. Was it an accident or something more serious?

In the distance, a figure lays his eyes on Niall, examining him fully and feeling a strange sensation at the pit of his stomach. He's never felt this way about a person before since it's hard to catch feelings for anybody because of his negative ability. He wished he didn't have it, but he couldn't change the way he was meant to be.

“Hey, are you new here? Do you need a tour around the school?”

He felt a hand touch his shoulder and knew that it was too late, still backing off in horror of what he's just done. “I... I'm sorry...” He backs away and flees from the scene, entering a nearby bathroom to separate himself from the girl who grew concerned.

“That was strange.” She shrugs, smiling when noticing Niall walking up to her with a raised brow. “Hey, do you know that kid I want just speaking to? He seemed a bit odd and scared after I touched him.”

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