[23] A Dumb Fight [RQ]

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This was requested by larrybros, and I hope y'all enjoy.

[short one-shot]


"you know what you did! liam! you know damn well with what you did!" I yelled at my non-innocent boyfriend who has obviously cheated on me with his slut äss of an ex girlfriend, Sophia. "baby, you know that I'd never go back to her! you know that!" he said, voice filled with anger. "I want to believe you, I do, but Sophia always comes out of nowhere and she swoops you away, I know she does." he sighs.

"baby, please! you've got to believe me! sure, we talked last night and sure we had a few drinks, but I didn't sleep with her, I swear! I only love you, Niall James Payne." I scowled. "its hard to believe you when you have red lipstick all over your damned cheek and lips." he whines. "right when I came back last night, I put on some lipstick. you know I'm weird like that. I've done it before." I smiled gently.

"its not weird, its unique. your unique, liam.." he smiles. "exactly. you know that I'm unique and shït and you know a lot more about me than anyone else in this world. its because I trust you with all of my heart. I trust you so much that I trust you more than I trust myself. you make me so happy and I'm glad I've found you, I'm glad that you've loved me, cared for me. I want us to continue. please let us continue."

I sighed. "liam.. you need to make sure that you never hang out with that woman again, for both of our sakes." he nods rapidly. "I'll ignore her! I'll block her from my life! anything to keep you in my life." I smiled. "good. glad we got that covered, babe." he smiles and sighs happily, quickly pulling me into his embrace.

I smile and inhale his scent, moaning from the aroma as he smirks, running his hand up and down my spine slowly and rhythmically. "how about we do some cuddling? then we can maybe lead that to sëx?" I smirked. "I like your thinking.." he chuckles. "I am a great thinker." I grinned. "I know that, babe." he squeezes my hip, which caused me to squeak and him chuckle, before pulling to our large bed.

I slip under the covers after we strip off most of our clothes, leaving on our boxers, and liam slowly pulls me into a cuddle, kissing my neck softly as my back is pressed up against his chest and stomach. "I love it when we cuddle.." he whispers into my ear as goosebumps then travel all around my body from the contact. "same here, li.." he rubs my bare, pale side slowly.

"promise me that we'll never fight again, baby. I really don't like it." I snorted. "don't make me start these arguments then, babe. you know that I'm dramatic." he laughed soundlessly. "I do know that. I know a lot about my little baby." my cheeks burn slightly as he pulls me closer to his body. "is it bad that I know more about you than your parents? somehow?" he smirks. "not at all, baby. I think it's wonderful."

"you're wonderful, liam.." I coo. "you're beautiful and wonderful, niall." he coos as I blush more. "we are such a cute couple." we both chuckle. "couple goals, yeah?" I nod. "definitely couple goals.." we both then sigh happily. "again.. you promise that we won't have another dumb fight like today?" I nod gently with a smile.

"we'll never have a dumb fight, ever again, Li."


so cute!!

I hope y'all enjoyed. sorry that its like half of what I usually write. I'm kinda in the dumps right now. but whatevs. I still made this.

until the next one-shot <3

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