[155] Cruisin' [RQ]

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Prompt: Niall and Liam meet on the best cruise of their lifetime with absolutely no icebergs in their path.

Requested by: niamsvinyl

Niall had already gathered all of his belongings for the trip a few days prior. He was excited to finally get on a ship and sail across the countless miles of seas, away from huge crowds of people who didn't know a single thing about personal space and a bright state of mind.

He steps onto the ship with a positive attitude, eyes wandering around to different families and couples who were more than excited for a break away from work and stress at its maximum. Niall sends a smile at a particularly attractive guy who stepped onto the huge establishment by himself, dragging a suitcase behind him.

This stranger sends a smile right back, eyes forming a similar expression that causes shivers to trickle down Niall's spine in a comfortable fashion. He hasn't been with a guy for a while now, so maybe this trip would give him the chance at new relationships. He didn't need a man to be happy but having a boyfriend would be nice for him.

He finds his room first, slipping past a person within each hallway until finding it with a sigh of relief. He unlocks the room and steps inside to instantly lock the door behind him, not noticing the same man from before catching a glimpse of his figure.

Niall unpacks everything that he brought with him in his two suitcases. His clothes fit perfectly in each drawer and amenities that he brought with him snuggly slid in each compartment in his small bathroom. This cruise was already going so well with how big his room turned out to be.

He exits his room after finishing his unpacking segment, phone in hand while he stepped down a few feet. The door to his left opens up, revealing the man he noticed when stepping onto the gorgeous ship. Turning, his eyes lock onto this stranger's figure and a smile forms on the man's lips.

“I saw you step on earlier. We both have a bit of a staring problem, huh?” His English accent slipped out like butter, and Niall was already dripping at the ends of his mouth for a taste of complete carbs. His accent was so perfect.

Niall lets out a short chuckle, admiring the man's figure mentally. His body was more than built, his brown eyes glistened in the sun rays that beamed in, and Niall couldn't avert his eyes from the sexy stubble.

“I don't think it's much of a problem if either of us finds the other attractive, no?” Niall feels himself smirk at his own words, and he was more than glad to see this stranger smirking along with him moments afterward.

“Right,” he laughs softly. ”My name is Liam, by the way. Liam Payne.” He brings his hand out for Niall to shake. The tattoos on the base of it made Niall groan internally. How much hotter could this man be?

Niall shakes his hand, kindly. “I'm Niall Horan.” Liam puts a smile back onto his stubbled face. “Do you think we should head out onto the main deck? Get a couple of drinks?”

Liam nods in response, stepping up close to Niall while closing his door behind him. Their faces were already about a few inches apart, Niall turning out to be a little bit shorter than him, and neither knew what to do.

That was until a person walked by, forcing them to move apart out of pure awkwardness as if they were both closeted teenage boys. It also made them laugh and head down to the deck where they'd finally begin their break away from the hardships of adult living.

Liam ordered the first round of drinks as Niall looked out at the main deck. It was a gorgeous view with the hinting smell of ocean water. The waves were a nice background sound to the gorgeous, Valentine's Day decorations that were sprawled around the ship. The wooden floors were covered with countless, large, circular tables that had six chairs surrounding all of them. There was a bar in every corner, Liam and Niall sitting at one of the four. Many people were either sitting or standing around on the deck, talking amongst themselves with unique features that intrigued Niall more than anything else, besides Liam.

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