[124] Those Words [RQ]

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Prompt: Niall noticed the words on his wrist ever since he entered high school. He knew that he was going to be able to view the first words that his soulmate would say to him, but not such vulgar ones that would make him flustered.

Requested by: imzadinot

Niall looked at his wrist. He looked at it every day trying to figure out why those specific words were meant to be placed on it.

"That new guy in front of you has a nice ass."

Surely, it was nice to know that he had a nice bottom, but really? The first few words of his soulmate were those? He didn't want to question it at the start, but it continues to bug him and has since his first day of year ten.

He is now in hear thirteen, his senior year and still hasn't heard an utter of those words and he grows more and more impatient. Even if the words are a little uncomfortable to hear, finally listening to them would make his heart skip a beat because that person is his for life.

To experience the moments of adulthood, job hunting, marriage, all of that with this one person. It's kind of scary to think about since the first day and a little nerve racking but Niall knew that it would worth it because when he finally hears those words, it'll mean something great.

The Irish male gathers his belongings for his last year in a new school, dreading this first day because he wouldn't know anyone but the principal and his teachers. Finding his soulmate here wouldn't make so much sense unless it was one of the teachers, but he knows that it's wrong for something like to happen in any situation.

His mother gives him a kiss on the cheek and his lunch bag which included his breakfast and lunch. He then let his feet bring him to the bus stop after putting his lunch bag in his backpack, taking in the simple smell of the neighborhood as the gentle winds hit him.

It was a good way to start off the morning, but entering the school made it all chaotic. He tried his best to pass the loud athletes, dodging the perfume that belonged to the skimpy popular girls and avoided the cliché nerds who tried to introduce themselves to him. It was awful.

As he made it to his locker though, he could see the words on his wrist glowing a little, eyes growing a little wide while he looked around.

There were too many people to figure out who was making his wrist glow like that and the person who had the same reaction was too into his conversation to notice anything.

It soon faded away which made Niall continue to put things away in his locker and take a few books out, feeling his heartbeat slow down as he was so close to meeting his soulmate. But why here? The school already seemed terrible with how it was and how the preppy girls were.

He thought nothing more of it as he made his way to the first few classes of the day, trying his best to avoid eye contact from everyone as he wanted to let this last school year fly by.

The glow from his wrist came back during his calculus class though, brow turning into a frown as he stared it in confusion. He didn't want to look around because he'd look like an idiot, but he so desperately wanted to know who was in the same room with him. It was his chance.

But hearing those words made his heart rate go crazy, slowly turning around to see a tall brunette with a few tattoos going along each of his arms.

"That new guy in front of you has a nice ass." A blush coats Niall's cheeks when he does see the person with those words, smiling a little when the other brunette winked at him. The Irish boy then showed him his wrist, the tattooed brunette frowning until he looked at his own.

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