[126] It's Time [RQ]

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Prompt: Niall and Liam have been married for one year. The younger one of the two has nothing but his friends and his lover to thank for when going through his journey of being pregnant with his second child.

Requested by: LouisLover2017

Niall flips through the book in his lap, biting his lower lip as his friend, Ali, sat next to him looking through another book in the meantime. They had been looking for baby names for the Irishman, who was 6 months pregnant with his second baby.

Neither of them had been successful as they scoured the books, nothing catching their attention as they had been looking through the different ones for hours. It was oddly difficult as Niall and Liam's first child, Brandon, was asleep.

Ali had Louis by her side as well though, helping her with the names as their five-year-old triplets Claire, Belle, and Jack played with their toys on the carpeted flooring. He wanted to help his best friend with the baby name but was struggling as well, wishing that the Irishman's lover came off of work so he could help as well.

Liam always knew how to name specific things and especially babies. Niall had only wanted to find a baby name today because he had a hunch that it'd be the best day to find a specific one. He was certainly failing with his hypothesis though, groaning in annoyance ever so often as he flipped through the numerous amount of pages that seemed to give nothing to him, at all.

"This is never going to work, you two. We've been doing this for like two hours and have gotten nothing even remotely close that sounds cute or even the slightest bit of good." Ali rubbed Niall's back and shushed him slowly, trying her best to calm him down for his and the baby's sake. She wanted to help her friend get this right, but it'll take another brain for the operation.

"We just have to wait for Liam to come back, yeah? I'm sure he'll help you in a pinch and we can all finally be content." Niall sighed but nodded soon after, running his left hand through his hair before looking at the infinity tattoo on his ring finger. Liam has a matching one and it brings the Irishman joy each and every time he sees it, never wanting to disappoint Liam.

The tattoo represents their infinite love for each other, the bond that'll infinitely reflect their trust and trust that they have for the other male. Liam thought of the idea with those similar details and Niall couldn't help but agree to the terms and get the tattoo with the love of his life.

It was a perfect idea at the beginning of getting said ink on his finger and it has only made him feel more secure and content with every glance towards it. Liam knew that it would have the effect throughout the days that he'd be gone, praising himself whenever he witnessed the Irishman wearing a smile when viewing it.

Niall needed him now though, to hold and help him with the name that has been eating him away for the past few hours. He needed to figure it out before the energy that was lost would make him fall asleep without him getting up.

A few more hours passed during the day, the sun beginning to fall as the moon was at the perfect angle in the sky, shining dimly in the bedroom.

Soon enough though, the bedroom door opened and Liam came in with a small smile when seeing the other family and Niall lying gorgeously in the large and comfortable bed.

"What seems to be going on here?" Niall groans at the oblivious question from his husband, motioning for him to come closer. Liam frowns a little but obeys, taking off his jacket as he did the same with his shoes before getting next to Niall.

He then noticed the baby naming books strewn all around the bed and got the picture, picking one up as he smiled fondly at it. Ali and Louis went down to their kids to leave the pair alone, deciding that it'd be best to let them talk.

"We've been attempting to find a perfect name for our second baby boy, but have come up with nothing even remotely close to being as unique as Brandon's." Liam pursed his lips, beginning to look through the names himself as Niall looked at him with a sense of relief and gratitude.

It didn't take long for the elder brunette to find a few names that Niall may like, showing the slightly younger man moments after finding another option for their second child. The Irishman examined the few choices, smiling from ear to ear when seeing the name that made him giggle as his cheeks became beet red.

"Charlie... I love it, Li." The taller brunette smiled back and brought him into a hug as the other parents looked at them with bright expressions.

Finally figuring out the perfect name set the Irishman at ease, letting him calm down and snuggle Liam who happily agreed to Niall's requests without any hesitation.

Ali and Louis went to put their kids to bed in the next room where Brandon was, carefully. They were just as happy about the name choice, loving the fact that Niall was at ease, as well.

The next few months consisted of more moments with the second baby kicking away at Niall's stomach, Brandon seeing more of the baby waiting process and Liam being the best father and husband in the world. Niall couldn't feel any more loved.

It eventually became the Irishman's due date though, the c-section going well yet again as he held little Charlie in his arms not too long after making it to the hospital.

Liam smiled at his gorgeous new baby boy, his glowing husband, and Brandon who was also smiling from ear to ear in happiness.

Niall was shedding a few tears here and there as he looked down at Charlie who was sleeping in his bare arms, sniffling while Liam kissed his head from time to time.

"Our two beautiful boys... You sure you wouldn't want another baby after growing up with these two for a bit, love?" Niall shook his head whilst chuckling, continuing to stare down at Charlie.

"I'd rather not deal with more pain and waiting to hold a new life in my arms. I'll get the procedure done so we don't have to go through with this again, because I've always only wanted two boys, Li."

The elder brunette smiled at his lover, nodding as he sat down in the chair next to the bed as the other family came in with their three children.

The trio was too occupied with their toys to give the family of four any attention, but Ali and Louis both smiled and gave Charlie their full attention.

Niall happily let them see his new little boy, making sure to keep everything quiet as Brandon snuggled into Liam's side.

Brandon seemed a little jealous for all of the attention that his younger brother was already receiving, but Liam was quick to make sure that he'd receive the same amount of love and focus as Charlie.

"If you ever feel like we aren't giving you enough attention, let us know, okay? Just know that we'll have to take care of Charlie more carefully as he is a baby, love." Brandon nodded at his papa's words, letting another smile come across his face as he gave the said man a kiss on the cheek.

"It's time for me to be the best big brother, right, daddy?" Brandon spoke to Niall who then smiled at him big, nodding as Charlie yawned cutely in his deep sleep.

Ali and Louis smiled at the perfect family in front of them, letting out happy sighs as they could view their genuine love and happiness without an issue. It was perfect.

The Payne family was perfect.


Author's Note:

Sorry, this is shorter than my previous ones, ahh. Thoughts, though?

Hope Y'all missed my writings, that you enjoyed this and I love you all so much x

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