[171] Terrified [RQ]

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Prompt: Niall hates lightning and thunderstorms altogether. He's glad to have Liam by his side to calm him down, though.

Requested by: hiswinterchild

It was another stormy, dark night in the neighborhood and Niall couldn't handle the thunder one bit. He jumped in his spot even when the smallest of crashes would occur, whimpering at how intense and scary it was to endure.

Shivers ran down his spine with every minute that passed. He couldn't fall asleep nor did he want to try and wake anybody else up in order to not come off as annoying.

He eventually heard his door open though, turning in his spot to see Liam only wearing a pair of loose boxers. Liam walks up to the bed, maintaining his focus on Niall who was shaken up.

He slips under the covers next to the terrified boy, wrapping an arm around his waist to pull him close and whisper a song that Niall had written all in one late night. Liam couldn't help but learn the beautiful lyrics and sing them to Niall whenever he was in distress or anxious in any way, shape, or form.

"Darling you don't have to hold it, you don't have to be afraid. You can go ahead and unload it 'cause you know it'll be okay. Fire away, fire away..." Liam felt Niall calm down more and more with each word that he sung in his ear. It caused him to smile, humming each chord and lyric into Niall's ear until Niall turned in his spot again, facing Liam completely.

"How do you know all of the lyrics?" He was surprised but pleased, smiling a little even as the storm continues outside.

Liam stares into Niall's eyes, running his right hand along his bare side that felt cold and soft. "I couldn't help myself when I was hearing you sing a few nights ago. Your voice carries a lot of weight and beauty that I wanted to listen to and record everything you sang." Niall felt so many emotions. "I put it on repeat, learned every lyric, and found myself loving the whole song completely. It's a gorgeous masterpiece that should be brought out into the world for so many people to hear."

Niall feels his cheek heat up at Liam's words, snuggling closer into someone he could trust with his entire life. "Are you sure? I would need to record it an' all. It'd take a lot of time, but I'd be able to release it in less than a month or so."

Liam hums with joy. "I'll wait long enough to hear a studio version of the beautiful tune." He runs his fingers along Niall's side again, a subtle smirk tugging on the corner of his lip.

Niall grins a little bit, moving his hands to Liam's chest as new thoughts began to cloud his train of thought. He never thought about his friend in this type of way. A way that makes him want to touch Liam all over, plant kiss after kiss wherever he touched and admired. This intense feeling overshadows all of it.

"I... I can't stop myself from thinking about you in a more than friends type of way. I mean, you're always here for me, tending to my every need and not caring one bit if I lash out or get scared of lightning and thunderstorms like tonight."

Liam smiles fairly. "It's because I love and care about you with my entire being." He presses their foreheads together. "Nobody makes me feel the way I do, and I want to act on my feelings, but I want to make sure that you're okay with it."

Niall sighs happily, swinging one of his legs over both of Liam's to get impossibly closer to him. This leads him to press their noses together and brush his lips against Liam's. The minuscule distance apart disappears when Niall finally connect their lips together in a deep and emotionally pleasing kiss.

Even as the thunder continues to boom outside, Liam holds Niall close and keeps their lips together in a pleasing kiss. Their bodies remained flushed together for a good duration, the bitter taste of salt seeping past their wet lips throughout it all. The roughness of Liam's lips didn't bother Niall, at least to a point of him not backing off nor growing uncomfortable at all.

It ends when Niall's in need of breath, a small smile evident on his face as he pulled back to gaze deeply into Liam's eyes again.

"I don't think I'm terrified of thunderstorms anymore."


Author's Note: A short but cute one! I hope y'all enjoyed, thanks for reading, and I love you lots x

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