[96] Lock The Doors [RQ]

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Prompt: No one ever thought that Niall, the nerdiest kid in school, would be having an affair with the most attractive teacher, Mr.Payne, but things aren't always as they may seem.

Requested by: ziallfeels25

Niall patiently tapped his foot against the ceramic flooring of the classroom, bottom placed in his chair as his glasses fit firmly onto his face, his pink cheeks shown more clear that day as he gazed towards the window.

He wanted class to start already, but he had gotten there too early to be able to experience class at the time he wanted to. Other kids were finally going into the classroom though, either taking their seats or chatting with their friends as Niall wanted no part in their businesses.

The only thing he wanted to be a part of was his studies and his grades that meant more than anything to him. Focusing on anything else would only take up precious time and effort that should only be for school and work.

Mr.Payne had walked into the classroom though, wearing a buttoned up flannel with black jeans fitted perfectly onto his body. Niall looked up to see him, smiling a little when the teacher had grinned slightly at him.

He was gorgeous in the smaller brunette's eyes, but Niall never wanted to act upon his feelings that had been built upon for the many months that Mr.Payne had been his teacher. The young male couldn't do anything anyway, and his teacher definitely wouldn't have those feelings for him, because of his job and age difference.

Class didn't start for another five minutes though, and that gave Liam enough time to walk up to Niall who sat in the front of the class to speak with him about the subject matter. The other kids were talking amongst themselves at that point, ignoring the pair that were conversing as well, focusing on their matters.

“I was wondering if you'd like to come into class after school to talk about my future endeavors for this class? If not, I totally understand, but-”

“I'd love to come in and help, Mr.Payne. Anything specific that you can think of right now?” The elder male smiled slightly, nodding as he stood next to Niall to right down a few things in the student's notebook, giving the smaller male a good view of his crotch as Mr.Payne had the notebook and pencil in his hands.

Niall couldn't help but quickly lick his lips, thoughts becoming raunchier than ever before for the first time in a while as he rested his chin on his hand, eyes glued to his teacher's crotch. Liam was too focused to notice his student's stare as he wrote down the few things that he thought was necessary to bring up later.

When he was done though, it gave him a second to see Niall staring at his groin, making him smirk a little as he sat the notebook and pencil down, his length growing slightly. He never knew that Niall would be obvious in his attraction towards him, but he was glad to realize that.

Niall then watched him go back to his desk, eyes grown a little wide as he saw his teacher's erection. He was surely surprised by its size and he wanted to see more of it, to uncover the treasure inside Liam's tight pants and endure the pain and pleasure that he'd receive from it.

But he shook his head to go back into his sane thoughts, smiling a little as he doodled a small image of a heart in full detail. His heart was booming at that point, beating against his chest as he wanted nothing more than to see his teacher after that long day of school.

Each class was agonizing indeed though, his heart beating harder and faster at each period of the day, groaning to himself whenever he became flustered or extremely antsy. No one really paid attention to his actions, which was how everyday went for Niall, but once the final bell rang during the Friday afternoon, he got up as fast as he could, taking his belongings toward Mr.Payne's bedroom with a small smile on his face and his heart continuously beating faster.

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