[26] Christmas Party [RQ]

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[Requested by: SarahBroch]


my friends have invited me to come to this huge Christmas party and I'm not sure if I want to go or not. usually, the Christmas parties I go to are filled with drunk people who make out under the mistletoe or have sex in another room, in which everyone can hear them.

I've never had god experiences with parties but, for my friends, I'll do anything. not anything but you know what I mean, hopefully.

my friends, louis, harry and zayn, have already picked me up for the party and we are nearly there. "this party is going to be insane." louis said with excitement in his voice. "I bet it is." zayn says as he looks out the window, smiling like an idiot.

"there better be some love happening tonight or I'll sue." harry says, looking my way as I look at him. "what with me? with who?" he smirks. "you know who. Liam Payne." I sighed from the name. "he's the most popular guy in school, Haz." he continues to smirk.

"so? I've heard rumors that he likes a certain blonde boy." I rolled my eyes. "those rumors are definitely fake." he chuckled. "you never know, niall, and I heard there are lots of mistletoes in the house, so be careful to not get under one with liam." he sends me a wink before the car jerks to a slow stop.

"we're here and I'm ready for some fun!" louis shouted before everyone scurried out of the car, me leaving way more slowly as I weakly shut the car door, but hard enough for it to close. once I start walking towards the house, I bump into a slightly buff person, who happens to be liam, great.

"oh hey, niall. how are you?" he asked me with a small smile. "I'm good, its kinda chilly out here." I said before shivering slightly, in which liam puts a small coat over my backside, it hanging over my shoulders. "thanks." he smiles more. "no problem, ni." he rubs my backside before we both entered the large house.

The Mansion

liam slowly leads me toward the gaming room, since my friends left me, and once we step into the room, he pulls me to the pool table, grabbing the sticks necessary for the game. "I'm assuming you want to have fun?" I nodded.

"I'm great at this so don't be salty when I win and you lose." he chuckles. "we'll see who's salty in the end." I smirked. "okay, payne." we then set up the balls in the triangular plate, in the correct order, liam moving it around before leaving it in its place. "who's going first?" he asks as he stands next to me.

"you can go first." I tell him before he steps to where he needs to be. he hits the white ball into the other balls, making one of the striped ones go into the corner hole. "boom!" he shouts with a smile as I chuckled. "nice job." I tell him as I get to where the ball is, looking around the table to see where I can get one in as my bum is out in the air, since I'm leaning over.

liam smack my bum roughly, making me yelp as he then chuckles. "Oi! what was that for?" I asked with a bit growling in my tone. "just being fun, and you have a nice bum, niall." I smirked again. "so I've heard." I said before my friends walk into the room, louis hiding something behind his back, I don't acknowledge it though.

"what're you two up to?" harry asks before biting his lower lip. "playing pool." liam mumbled after I shot two of the solid balls in two different holes. "hah, nice!" zayn said as I smiled. "thanks, zayn." I said to him before louis stands behind me, putting something over liam and I's head before harry and zayn grin.

"kiss you two." zayn says as liam and I look up, seeing a mistletoe, looking right back down but, into each other's eyes. we both gulped quietly, licking our lips as the tension slowly rose. before we knew it, our lips were molded together in a slightly rough kiss.

I don't know why we're kissing like this but, I'm really not complaining because I'm kissing the hottest guy in town and he might actually like me, which is insane. as we pulled away though, a huge smile grew on our faces before we kissed again, making everyone else gasp. "well damn." louis murmured before walking to Harry.

we pulled away from each other again, standing more closer to each other than before in the process. "god, niall.. look what you've done to me." I chuckled softly. "I did nothing wrong, liam. I know we've known each other for years but, I didn't know you liked me like that." he smirks. "I've loved you for years." everyone else gasps again, making me giggle. "love is a strong word, liam." he sighs happily.

"I really mean it, though. I've been waiting for this to happen and when I found out that you were coming to this party, I jumped for the chance and now we're here, together. we can be together, right?" I nod slowly before he holds me by the waist. "good. why don't we finish this game of pool then have some fun on said pool?" everyone then quickly left the room as liam and I chuckled along together.

"sounds like a grand idea, liam." I peck his lips before we continue our game. "ride me?" he asks as he holds my right hand in his left hand.

"definitely. I'm glad we could be here at this Christmas party."


bad ending! me sowwy!

don't be scared to ask for some prompts, I promise I'll try and make them good enough for y'all.

until the next one, I love you little beans <3

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