[41] Ignorant Alpha [RQ]

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Requested by: lamedelaney

Contains: Alpha!Liam (26), Omega!Niall (22)

A silver wolf sniffs around the dark, tree filled forest, searching for its prey for some late night food. A deer would be perfect for him for a late night snack, that's all he wants. His furry stomach rumbles as he whines, wanting, needing food.

His alpha leader has been lacking with giving him and the other omegas food and he can't help but be angry when he sees Liam, the alpha leader. Seeing him prance around like he owns everything; which he does, doing nothing to help his pack. It disgusts him.

When Niall finds the right scent, he perks his ears up to follow the sound of distant deer, his stomach rumbling again. He gets ready to run toward the deer, but he hears a few twigs snap, making him growl towards the being that's there.

Show yourself, dammit. He speaks to himself in his head before the wolf with dark brown fur, his body more bulky and large than Niall's. The silver wolf knows that it's Liam, which angers him on a higher level since he's starving to death.

Niall, what're you doing out here? You know that you must be in your den before ten. Niall whimpers before he slumps down to the ground, Liam stepping up to him slowly. Niall? Are you okay?

The silver wolf huffs right before his stomach rumbles, making the alpha wolf step back a little. O-Oh, you're really hungry... I'm so Sorry, Niall. I'll get you some food, okay? Can you try getting up?

Niall attempts to get up, knowing that he'll get food. He does succeed and slowly follows Liam at a slightly slow pace. His stomach needs food so badly that he could already taste the food in his mouthx the juicy meats that fill his hunger easily.

When the two get back to the pack's home, Liam leads Niall into his den and goes over to his stash of meat. He grabs a good amount of it and passes it to Niall who is slumped down on the floor again. I'm sorry for being so clueless earlier today. I heard you, but I had matters to attend to. I won't ignore you again though, okay? And if I do, I'll give you permission to bite me softly, okay?

Niall chuckles in his head before beginning to eat the delicious meat in front of him, Liam.slumping down in front of him. The dark brown wolf lays on his back and looks up at the perfectly made ceiling, thinking about who he wants to be at his side to rule the pack.

Do you have suggestions on who could rule the pack with me? I have a few of the men in mind, but one in particular is starting to stick out. I don't know if he is ready though. Niall looks up from his meat, internally frowning as he licks his lips.

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