[Pt.2] My Teacher [RQ]

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[I'm making a second part to this, requested by SarahBroch :) Also; from now on, everything or mostly everything will be in lowercase letters. just saying]

Contains: Mpreg

a few years later


walking into liam and I's shared home, I notice the great aroma of liam's famous tacos, thanks to my nose, so I quickly jog into the kitchen, moaning softly from the smell as I see liam's toned and bare back facing me. I walk up to him from behind, placing soft kisses to his back, making him smile.

"hey, baby. where were you?" he asks as he turns a knob from the stove, causing the flame underneath the pan to decrease in size. "just out.." I answered while setting a black, small bag on the counter. "what's in the bag then?" he asks looking down at me, eyes glinting as he smiles. "just a little present. I know its your birthday.." he smiles softly before opening the bag and grabbing the pregnancy test out of it.

"what's this doing in here?" he asks confused as I blush. "look at the sign, babe.." he looks down at the positive sigh then looks back up at me with a huge smile. "you're pregnant, baby?!" I nodded while smiling before he pulls me into a loving hug. "we have been trying for weeks! I'm so glad you're pregnant!" I chuckled as he held me close to him.

"I'm glad I'm pregnant too, babe." he pulls away from the hug as he continues to smile, the test still in his hand. "do you know how long? of course you don't, why would I ask. we need to head to the hospital." I shake my head as he frowns. "I already checked with my mum. I've been pregnant for about two weeks actually." his smile grew impossibly larger.

"this is the best news I've heard in my entire life!" he sighs happily before turning around to finish making his tacos. "I bet it is, Mr.Payne." he chuckled. "I remember when you were my student, baby.. you were so shy and innocent. it was great that we had already become a couple the night before. I'd spoil the hell out of you." I sat on the counter with a small smile.

"you still spoil me, babe." he looks my way with a smirk on his face. "I know I do, baby. you were made to be spoiled. by me." I blushed. "I'm glad then. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." he smiles again. "same here, baby." I looked down with my cheeks burning as I messed with my fingers.

"what do you wanna do later? we never do anything crazy anymore." he looks my way again as he stirs the meat. "well, we could try working out together. even though we're in good shape. you should try getting more muscle though, babe. so you could dominate me." I smirked. "I would love to do that.." he giggles. "I know you would love that. so that's the plan then?" I nod.

"you're my teacher all over again, huh?" he grins. "I guess so, yeah. I loved being your teacher, niall. you were so sweet when I was so pissed off sometimes.." I looked up. "I know.. everyone in class was obnoxious. besides harry and I." he nods as he gets ride of the flame, getting out the ingredients that we put on our tacos. "have you talked with harry? maybe he lives near us." I shrugged.

"I'm not sure how he's doing. I haven't texted him in about two years; a year after graduation. I'm sure he's doing good though, with louis and all. they're probably married already." he snorted softly. "we're already married." he said, lacing my left hand with his, our rings touching as I blush.

"our honeymoon was amazing.." he smirks. "the butlers, the cruise, the alone time. all amazing." he pecks my lips as he smiles again. "I love our alone times. which is pretty all the time now." liam nods gently. "yeah. but now that we have this baby, we won't have alone time for much longer, afterwards. we have about nine months though." I chuckled. "we sure do, liam. we have to use this time wisely." he smirks.

"sex every night?" I giggled softly. "that would be fun, but other new things would be fun." I said as liam finished putting on the extra ingredients on our tacos, wrapping them up afterwards. "I'd like to try new things." he says as he passes me my plate, grabbing his before we walked out to the kitchen, towards our room.

"what do you suggest then?" I ask as we entered the bedroom, liam closing and locking the door behind us as I sit on the large bed. "maybe some kinks in bed?" I rolled my eyes. "nothing sexual, babe. other things." he sighs as he sits down next to me, turning on the TV. "how about we roleplay? it doesn't have to be sexual, most of the time. I can be your teacher again!" he suggested with a huge smile on his face, again.

"that does sound interesting, and fun." he nods. "it's settled then." I laughed softly. "I guess it is, babe." we then start to eat our delicious dinner together, wanting to get this roleplaying already rolling.

hours later

as I'm seated on the chair in the living room, liam, or Mr.Payne, walks in with a smile on his face. "hello, Horan. it seems that you're my only student today. would you mind if I were to teach you up close?" I smiled. "I wouldn't mind it at all, sir." he nods gently before coming up closer to me, pulling his chalkboard up close as well. "what is you name again, sir? I know it's a sexy last name." he smirks.

"my name is Mr.Payne, Horan. and I'm glad to be your teacher."


that was really cute, y'all.

I hope you, little beans, enjoyed this. mostly you SarahBroch (:

until the next one-shot

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