[169] In Search Of You [RQ]

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Prompt: Liam is a powerful alpha in search of his omega, already prepared to take care of them at all costs.

Requested by: LoraAbiSleiman

Giving in to the thought of forgetting about his search for his omega came across more times than none. He had begun such a feat a few months ago when he was fully energized and prepare for the wait of finally seeing the one who belongs to him. He wanted to give up, but signs pointed towards no.

Liam finally left his small cabin on a late-night, figuring he'd try one last area that never crossed his mind until now. After all the attempts in every city nearby, he never thought of checking an area that holds so many people at once.

He stepped into the booking city, neon lights and crowded streets seen before his very eyes. The beautiful area wasn't familiar to him since he preferred to be secluded from others. Having to walk past people and avert his eyes to ignore blinding nights made him feel nervous and uneasy to the point where he could throw up right on the sidewalk beneath him. He had to get inside before such a thing would occur in a matter of seconds.

Liam stumbles past a few people, placing himself down on a barstool before ordering a few shots that'd ease his nerves over this rambunctious city with continuously frolicking people.

He places enough money before taking down the shots one by one, finally breathing when slamming down the last glass. He earned a few looks of concern and disgust during this exchange, and he couldn't care less about what the other alphas, omegas, and betas were thinking when gazing at him from up close or afar.

The feeling of being stared at never fazed him, even now when his breathing has become uneasy, shaken to the point where he could pass out at any second. He was never one to outburst on people for their own opinions. His mother taught him well.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" A soft voice could be heard to his right and a gentle touch on his shoulder made him turn.

He locked eyes with the stranger, instantly feeling his stomach coil in pleasure over seeing this new person. "I... I am unable to be around this many people at once, it's what I've learned, but I had to take the risk to find my omega." He sighs. "Maybe I'm just wasting my time here." He clenches his fists as he begins to breathe unevenly for the nth time that night.

The stranger notices this behavior and takes his hand, leaving him to the back where they exit through the employee's entrance. Liam can finally breathe again all the while thinking about who this kind person could end up being.

"It can get quite a bit hectic here. I prefer the forest myself in my little cabin, but I have many friends here absorb my alone time... Sorry, I'm babbling." He laughs softly. "My name is Niall."

Liam takes his hand that had extended out and shook it with a small smile after regaining a steady breathing pattern. "I'm Liam. Thanks for helping me out in there. As I stated, environments like that drive me insane, but I've been trying to find my mate for such a long and draining amount of time. I think I'm just going to give up." He clenches his jaw and peers up at the full moon. "I guess this is it, huh?"

Niall frowns, eyes darting to the symbol on Liam's arm that he was finally able to recognize when Liam moved enough to let his shirt rise. He takes this chance to align his own that's basically carved into his body, heartbeat becoming faster.

Mates were separated into different areas at birth. A single chance would keep them apart until a fateful night where the pair finds each other in a certain circumstance. That fateful chance brought them here together, and Niall was ready for what's to come next in his life as an omega.

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