[Pt.2] Regretful Night? [RQ]

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Summary: Liam takes Niall back to his home after the school day. Fluff and teasing insues.

Requested by: The people who wanted this x

Niall patiently sits in the courtyard of the school for Liam, looking at the pretty, neatly placed flowers that are alined all around him. The courtyard is the go-to place for silence, when people are being loud or ignorant.

The blonde always goes here for lunch, because it's dead silent and there are no people in there besides him

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The blonde always goes here for lunch, because it's dead silent and there are no people in there besides him. He loves the silence and the fact there is no people in there with him.

Niall also adores the beautiful flowers that are always taken care of perfectly. He waters them after all, since this courtyard was designed by him.

The principal didn't mind that Niall did this, because he is her favorite student and representative of the school.

He always has a good sense of heart, besides being antisocial, but that is made up with his artistic abilities.

Niall doesn't notice, but Liam has stepped into the courtyard and his eyes have grown wide.

When the blonde turns his head though, he sees the man and smiles big. The brunette steps up to him, but his eyes are still looking at the flowers.

"Wow... This is one of the most beautiful things that I've ever seen in a school. Do you know who did this, Niall?" The boy blushes and nods, standing up and taking Liam's hands in his.

"I made all of this haopen, Liam. All by myself. Well, with the help of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, but they moved somewhere together; I take all of the credit now." Liam chuckles, but he is still very amazed with his work.

"This is still, very incredible, Niall. I'm proud of this work; better than what I could've done," The man states, making Niall blush even harder. Niall wants to do something bigger, beautiful enough that it catches everyone's eyes.

Liam may have been the first one to actually compliment his work, as it is kind of small and hard to find, but his opinion is the only one that matters to Niall. His few, sweet words made the blonde feel more confident about himself.

"I appreciate that, Liam, a lot actually..." Liam pulls the blonde into a hug and softly kisses his head; Niall is blushing even harder. They haven't kissed yet, but Niall can tell that Liam is good with the gentle kiss that was placed on his own head.

"Good. Why don't we go to my place and maybe we can discuss some future projects that I can help you with?"

Niall's eyes light up and he nods, holding Liam close and tight. Liam chuckles and kisses his head again while rubbing his back.

He then leads Niall out of the courtyard and out of the school, thinking of many things that he can do with the blonde. He wants to kiss him, for sure, but Niall may not want that yet.

Liam thinks that he's the most sweetest boy that he has ever met, but he could also have a side that isn't so sweet.

He wants to think that Niall is dirty, but the blonde seems to be pure. The man doesn't want to assume things, so he'll have to see how things will turn out at his place.

He doesn't want to hurt the blonde though, as he is young and most likely inexperienced. Liam doesn't even want to initiate sëx yet anyway, because he wants to get to know him more.

When the two get to Liam's home, Niall's mouth is wide open. It's such a simple, cute, but beautiful home.

The blonde doesn't live in a place even close to this beautiful type of home. He's super jealous of this estate and he hasn't even seen the inside of it. Although, it is gorgeous like Liam; so gorgeous.

They step into the home after exiting the car, Liam locking the car doors as they stepped up to the front of the home, big smiles on their faces.

The two then slip off their shoes and jackets, Liam putting them in neat spots, before entering the living room. Niall is even more amazed, because of the large and cozy living room.

Liam sends the blonde a smile as they sit down next to each other, placing his hand on the boy's right thigh, which makes him blush hard again.

He rubs his thigh softly as they gaze into each other's eyes, nothing but soft breaths filling the silence.

Niall leans in closer to Liam while Liam does the same with the blonde; their lips are brushing against each other's so closely.

They both want this; this is what they were thinking about during their class together. The kissing, the touching, everything that they want from the other.

The time they spent together the night before was pleasant and great for the both of them, but the feeling of wanting the other's lips didn't envade their thoughts until the class they shared.

They need to feel the other's lips or they won't feel what they did from the night before.


Liam leans in forward to capture Niall's lips in his, resting his right hand on the boy's thigh as he kisses him back gently.

Niall wraps an arm around Liam's waist and slowly gets on top of him. He's feeling confident about his actions as he's enjoying the kiss more than he thought he would. Liam is as well.

The blonde moves his arm away to cup Liam's cheek in his hands, making the man smile as he moves his hips against the blonde's.

Niall moans softly through the kiss, now tangling his fingers in Liam's soft, brown locks, moving his hips along with the man.

The brunette licks at Niall's bottom lip, in which the boy opens him mouth just enough, letting Liam explore his mouth with his tongue.

Niall moans more due to this, a tent growing in his pants as their tongues are gliding against each other's.

Liam starts growing in his own pants as well, which makes Niall shiver, because of how big the man is under his clothing.

Niall pulls away and starts kissing the man's neck softly, causing a loud moan to come from Liam.

The brunette continues to grind up against the boy while starting to get worked up.

He doesn't want to get too worked up with Niall, so he starts calming himself down as the blonde kisses his neck. Those gentle kisses drive him insane, though.

"Mmm, Niall, feels so good..." Liam mumbles while moaning. A smile comes across Niall's face as he kisses the man's neck. That's what the boy wanted; he wanted to make Liam feel good.

"I want to make you feel good, daddy..." Niall kisses up until he reaches the man's ear, sucking on his earlobe gently.

"If you want me to make you feel good," he continues, which makes Liam shiver from how hot Niall is being. He needs him.

"Please make me feel good, baby boy." Niall smirks and continues to kiss his neck, licking and sucking on it softly.

Liam is thankful that he went to the bar tonight, if he didn't, he wouldn't have had this connection with Niall so quickly.

Niall is perfect for him and vice versa. They're perfect for each other and no one can tell them otherwise. They like each other and it isn't wrong.

"I'll make you feel good and I won't regret it."


A/N: Trust me I can take you there, trust me I, trust me I, trust me I. Good For You is a good song for this haha. But I hope y'all enjoyed this 2nd and final part!

Btw, can y'all check out my stories Feline Caretaker and (if you like Zaniam) Embrace The Love? I'd really appreciate it and I love you all x

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