[4] Saved By You [RQ] [!]

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-I finally got a request from someone, @Chesko_gay

Hope you enjoy. xx

[Will include some smut. Don't say I didn't warn ya. And I'll try not to make the smuts private, no one wants that. ;)]-



Bullying. I deal with it everyday. Everyday I either get tripped or punched or even kicked by anyway who I come across. It seems that the teachers and principal don't care so that sure is a plus. (Note the sarcasm) But I've noticed a few people who don't hurt me like that, I just don't pay attention to them.

But why would anyone ever care for me when I'm the most annoying, ugly, disgusting guy in the school? I guess a few people want to be friends with the most hated kid in school.. I don't know how to feel about that. I've never had friends before and I sure as hell won't have a boyfriend anytime soon.

Let's just get to where I am right now, I'm getting beaten up, the usual, kicking, punching, spitting, calling me names, I've learned to handle the pain. Mostly. But that's when someone calls out, the most popular kid in school, calling out for me.

"Hey! Leave him alone assholes!" That made them turn around in fear. "We're s-sorry Liam..." He shooed them off and leant down in front of me. "Why'd you do that? When your so popular? Do you want to become like me, Liam?"

I asked softly as he stood me up. "Your not another kind of person, Niall. Your a normal human being. Who's actually quite cute once you get close enough." I blushed. "Thanks... Since its the end of the day. I need to go. Thank again.." I say softly before getting out of his grip and heading towards the doors, only to get pulled back by Liam.

"Come by my place? I live alone since my parents disowned me.. For being gay." He gulped and looked down. "You are?" I asked in a whisper. He nods. "So am I." He smiled softly and took my hand in his.

"Are you rich?" I asked in a whisper, again, as we walked outside. He chuckled. "Yeah. Thankfully, somehow, my parents gave me loads of money to start off, and I have lots of food." I smiled. "Good. I love food. And money." I blushed as he opened the car door for me. "I do to." He said as I sat in the seat and buckled myself in as he closed the door.

He went around to his side, opened the door, closed it, locked the doors then started the car, making the engines roar. "How big is your house?" I asked as he started driving. "Its quite big, quite small... I know you don't have a home, Ni. You can live with me, yeah?" I smiled and nearly died. "Seriously?" I asked in shock. "Seriously." He said genuinely.

We stopped minutes after in a small parking space then he turns off his car and grabs his keys as I unbuckled myself and exited the car, and he did the same, then we walked to his front door. He opened the door with his key and we both walked in and I was utterly amazed by the bright colored walls of his house. "Pink!" I nearly jumped, making Liam chuckle.

"Yeah. Gotta love, pink. Now let's check out our room." I'm glad we're sharing his room. He grabs my hand again and pulls me gently along to his, our, room. Once he opens the door and closes it behind us, I quickly jump onto the bed. "Haven't been on a nice bed in ages..." I nearly moaned from the touch because this bed is so comfortable.

Liam takes off his shirt and almost all his clothes, except his boxers and I decide to do the same. "I usually have no clothes on since I live alone bed since your here-" "Don't worry about me. Be free, Liam." He chuckled from that and nodded before he took off his boxers, making me blush. "And you? Or do you need help?" He asks smirking as he gets on top of me.

"Liam... Someone's dieing to see my friend aren't they?" I said smirking also as he grinned. "Maybe I am... Whenever I see you in the hallway, I think, Man, what it would feel like if I fucked him? Can I see how it feels now?" I blushed but shook my head lightly.

"Not now, 'm sorry Liam. But you can taste me if you'd like." He smirked, again. "I'd be delighted." Liam then pulls down my boxers slowly before I spring out, I'm quite big, I guess. Liam really gets a ruler and measures me as he pumps me. "Tell me when your hard enough, yeah, Babe?" I nodded then he went down on me, oh so slowly.

After getting hard enough, I tell him and he lines the ruler up to me. "Hmph.. Impressive. 8 and half inches. Good job, Babe. But I'm 10 inches." My eyes grew slightly wide. "Your serious? God that'd hurt if it was inside of me." He nodded slightly. "But I'd be gentle, Babe. For you. Unless you want me to go rough?" I bit my lip. "It depends how I'm feeling."

He smiles while nodding slightly then lays down next to me. "Can you finish me off?" I asked pleadingly. "Oh. Sure, Babe." He pecks my lips then crawls back down to my hard friend.

He wraps his mouth around me once again, making me moan slightly, in which he quickens the speed already. I moan louder while gripping at his hair as he goes faster and I'm already feeling like coming in his mouth. "L-Li.. I'm go-gonna.. Come..." He goes impossibly faster, making me shoot my load inside of his warm, wet mouth.

He swallows, surprisingly, then crawls on top of me, to then connect his soft lips against mine. "Thank you, Li." He smiles against my lips. "No problem, I'll always help with your problems." I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Not with that. Although, thank you.." He smiles. "I'm talking about you saving me today. Will you do that everyday?" I pouted. "I'm sure no one will mess with you anymore." I smiled more. "Thank to you, my savior." He grins then kisses me again.

He was right, no one hurt me again, some of them became my friends, and some people just ignored me. I have to thank Liam for saving my life, but how? Maybe I'll let him take my virginity, I know he really wants to. You know what, I'll let him. Because I love him. And I'm sure he loves me. I still don't know how but he might just love me. He's the only one who could properly give me love and I'm glad. I'm glad that he took me in with him, or I wouldn't be here today, in my soulmates arms. My saviors arms.


Cute? That was cute. :) Hope you enjoyed.

Until next one-shot xx [Which is already done. You want it up now? Or later?]

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