[103] Wisdom Teeth [RQ]

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Read Author's Note at the end!

Prompt: Niall gets his wisdom teeth taking out, resulting in him becoming loopy and being funny yet so adorable at the same time.

Requested by: YaoiGirl111

Niall was whining in annoyance as Harry drove him, Louis and Liam to the doctor's. The young brunette had to get his wisdom teeth taking out, but that meant that he had to go into a loopy state in order to endure the pain easily, which was what he was scared about going through.

He didn't want to make a fool of himself through the next few hours, because he knew that he would talk about Liam and how much love he has for him, and be totally embarrassing as whole, especially with his and Liam's friends.

Niall wanted to try and avoid the day, but his wisdom teeth were becoming hard to bear with, so he had to go in and take his boyfriend and friends with him so he could go home safely.

Liam was looking forward to the day though, wanting so badly to see his lover acting so loopy since he knew of Niall's wisdom teeth. He knew that the Irish boy would make a fool of himself, but Liam didn't mind that fact one bit.

Niall was anxious the whole ride there, clinging to Liam's side as he felt like throwing up at any moment. He didn't want to feel the way he was feeling, but he knew that he'd have to suffer through the traumatizing moments of being loopy and not himself for a set amount of time.

The English boy made sure to calm his lover down, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and rubbing his side throughout the whole ride there, and it was actually working. Niall was still really nervous and especially was when the car came to a stop, Harry parking said vehicle.

Niall lost all the rosiness from his cheeks, palms beginning to sweat as he clutched onto Liam's shirt with tears beginning to form in his eyes. He felt like a baby who was getting their first shots, but he had to man up and go through the pain.

Liam led him into the building with a soft smile placed upon his face, Harry and Louis signing the Irish boy in as the couple sat down in the waiting room. Niall didn't want to leave Liam's side after entering said building, feeling his heartbeat pick up speed as he closed his eyes, trying to find a safe haven before he was called in for his appointment that had been set up by Louis.

He was the youngest of the four, being nineteen while Louis and Harry were twenty one and Liam being twenty, so it was like they were his family who were always there for him. Niall couldn't have found a better group to be in, but today was too horrible for him to think about the positives in his life. Niall just wanted it to be over already, but he knew that it'd last too long.

It was when the Irish boy was called in, his heart rate picking up speed yet again as Liam helped him up, bringing him into the small space where the operation would take place. Niall lied down on the soft bed, palms becoming sweatier as Liam stared at him with a kind smile, holding his hand to try and calm him down enough.

Louis and Harry were watching as well, deciding to sneakily film the whole thing while they sat together on the small couch. They were ready to become famous because of the video.

Moments had passed, tears were spilled and a loopy Niall came out of it giggling like a baby as he was walked back to the car by Liam who was just as happy as the Irish boy in his arms.

“Liam is so pretty...” Niall had said to Louis once they all got into the car, Liam actually holding him close again as he began to blush a little.

Louis chuckled, “oh yeah? What else could you say about your lovely boyfriend, Ni?” The Irish boy hummed, giggling a bit more before he spoke again with a proud smile and rosy cheeks that emphasized his much paler skin that Liam thought was so gorgeous and cutely porcelain.

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