[60] A Beautiful Sight [RQ]

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Requested by: mygoldenotp

Summary: Liam and Niall are famous YouTubers who, now, share a vlog channel together. Domestic cuteness is what their fans view everyday of their lives, like a family.

Niall, a young man, sets down his camera in his bedroom while his boyfriend, Liam, gets ready for the day with his lover. The blonde fixes it so the camera lens can see the both of them, and once he does that, he smiles at the camera.

"Hello, everyone! I hope you're having a good day, but if not, Liam and I are here for you. To make you laugh, smile, and feel many emotions. We're all for doing that with you guys!

But today, my tattooed, drop dead gorgeous boyfriend and I are going on a long hike and you're coming with us to see the sights. Ain't that right, Payno?" Niall turns to Liam, who is looking especially delicious in his shorts and tank top. The blonde holds back a moan and bites his tongue.

"You're right, my love. Today is definitely going to be more extreme though, so that's why you're coming with us, family." Niall giggles as his boyfriend sits down next to him.

He always knows how to make the blonde smile, and vice versa, even if it's just the simplest of things that they do or say with each other.

"We hope this vlog isn't too boring today, Since Liam's are usually crazy and mine are with me cooking and talking about random things, with the two of us doing it together, so hopefully you guys like this video. For now, we're going to make sure that we're ready and we'll see you at the spot." The two smile as Niall brings his hand up to the camera, turning it off before sighing happily.

He turns to Liam and places his lips softly against the tattooed boy. The brunette smiles and kisses him back, gripping the pale boy's waist as Niall then smiles along with him through the kiss.

"I love you," Niall mutters against Liam's lips, after the short and sweet kiss. Liam continues to smile and kisses each of the blonde's temples, letting out a sigh of relief as he pats his thigh.

"I love you too, sweets," Liam replied. Niall giggles softly again and leans his head against his boyfriend's shoulder gently, feeling so loved.

"I'm so glad. But before we get too mushy and lazy to move, let's get to the hiking spot." Niall gets up and out of his seat as Liam laughs softly, standing up moments later as he pulls out his phone from his right, deep pocket.

He follows his blonde boyfriend out of the car, after the quick ride to the location and getting fully ready, smiling as Niall is excited. When they do their hikes like this, it usually isn't exciting, but this is different as it's a new location that can make new, better memories for the both of them.

As they begin their long trek, Niall pulls out his camera and turns it on after facing it toward himself and Liam, who is right next to him.

"Hello, everyone! We are back to filming and we are currently at the hiking spot and I'm already breathless." Niall pans the camera around to see the views of the area and it makes him smile big. Liam smiles along with him and places a wet kiss to the blonde's cheek.

"I'm sure you lot heard that, but Liam here just gave me a wet kiss and it was disgusting." Liam chuckles lightly and wraps an arm around Niall's waist, pulling him close to his side as he sighs.

"Oh, little Niall here loves my loving and slobbery kisses. He may seem like he doesn't love them, but he does, everyone. Especially some other things that I do to him and his cute body."

Niall elbows Liam's side lightly, making the brunette huff. The blonde gets flustered easily, especially on camera, but talking about anything sexual on camera makes him blush mad crazy.

"Anyway, ignoring Liam's sexual comments, this hike will be easy and definitely worthwhile once we see the sights with you guys. This'll be a new experience and we're glad that you all are coming with us." Niall smiles brightly at the camera as Liam coos lovingly at his lover, kissing his cheek.

"You see why I love Niall so much? He cares so much for so many people and I'm glad that I have him in my life and you should be glad as well." Niall blushes even harder and waves the brunette off as he chuckles.

"Liam and I will continue to head to the beautiful spot and we'll see you guys there." He blows a kiss to the camera then turns it off, stuffing it into his small pack as Liam stops him.

The brunette places his lips against Niall's, catching him completely off guard, but the blonde smiles and kisses him back quickly, craving Liam's lips like they're a pair of cherries, wanting to lick and suck on them forever.

They both grow hard in their shorts so they stop and smile at each other breathlessly. "God damn you are a glowing goddess..." Liam mutters as Niall giggles again, placing his hands on the brunette's hips as they are closer together.

"You are a gorgeous god..." Niall counters, earning a smirk from Liam as he grips the blonde's waist.

"Damn... I hope you know that you'll be riding me later." Niall chuckles and pecks Liam's lips hungrily.

"I know that for sure... But you'll have to catch me before you can lay those big hands on me." Before Liam could say anything, Niall is already off and running to the spot where its most beautiful. Liam follows with his smirk, wanting nothing but to catch Niall and hold him in his arms.

After a few minutes of running, Niall stops and catches his breath, hands on his knees as he looks up at the beautiful sight in front of him. It's a gorgeously blue waterfall, clouds forming at the peak of it as the pristine rocks glow in the sunlight, on each side of the waterfall. The blonde is even more breathless now, more than ever.

Liam sees Niall, but before he could grab him, he takes notice of the scenery in front of them both and smiles big at the sight. The blonde pulls out his camera and starts filming the scene, while Liam wraps his arms around his waist carefully.

Niall smiles and blushes again, filming the scene for about a minute, before turning the camera toward himself and his lover. "This was worth it. Definitely." Liam nods and kisses his cheek.

"What you guys didn't see though, was me running away from Liam, because of something that he wants from me." The brunette rolls his eyes playfully, gently grabbing the blonde's plump bottom. Niall squeaks in response.

"Okay, I hope you guys enjoyed this vlog, maybe I'll see you before we sleep. But if not, I hope you enjoyed and we love you all." They both smile before Niall turns off the camera, stuffing it into his pack before glaring at Liam playfully.

Liam takes Niall's hand without a word and leads him away from the cliff, pressing the blonde against a nearby rock as he smirks. "You know you like it when I tease you, baby boy." Niall whines softly, but nods, knowing damn well sure that he does.

"So let's go home and do what I had planned. Okay?" Liam stated seductively, earning another nod from Niall before he pecks his lips sweetly. Niall responds with a smirk though:

"Let's not actually record it this time though, okay?"

A/N: ah, cute, YouTube Niam is so nice. If only they would actually do YouTube together. That'd be a true blessing. But anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed and I love you all! Also I'm currently making two more one shots so be on the lookout for those soon ;) x

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