[65] I Need Him [RQ]

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Requested by: lashtonidiot

Niall thumbs the picture of him and his boyfriend, Liam. The brunette man is currently in war and Niall doesn't know when he'll be back. It could be next month or next year, but all he wants is to see Liam: just his face, to hear his smooth voice.

The blonde wants that or more, but he hasn't had a single text or anything in the past year. He's grown to be really worried for Liam's health and safety, and it makes him perform worse and worse with each and every concert that he does.

The boys, Louis, Zayn and Harry, try to make him feel better every day, but it's no use. Liam is always in the blonde's head and he can't get rid of him, no matter how hard he tries, he only thinks of the gorgeous brunette and his beautiful voice.

He just wishes that a miracle will happen soon enough and that Liam will come home sooner than expected. That's all the blonde asks for.

The four are currently getting ready for the concert in Florida, warming up their vocals while Niall constantly looks at his phone. The other three notice and sigh, signaling to turn the music off as they look at their stressed friend.

"Nialler, we know how much you need Liam, but we need to warm up..." Louis speaks to the tired blonde, who just nods in response while turning off his phone entirely.

"S-Sorry you guys, I just need him..." Niall replies with, wiping away a tear from his eye. Louis rubs his back soothingly, looking over at Harry and Zayn now with a small smile.

"You guys pamper up and get more ready for the show. I'll get Niall and myself ready," the two nod and leave the little studio room.

Louis makes Niall look up at him, making a goofy face at the man, who then smiles a little. Louis always knows what to do when Niall is upset, except Liam, but he can't really help right now.

"Don't worry about Liam too much, Nialler. I know it's been a year, but who knows, maybe he'll come around soon," Niall sighs shakily at Louis.

"But how could you know that? Liam may be strong, but not strong enough to take bullets from a machine gun, Lou. It's just hard thinking that he may be dead right now and no one is telling me."

Louis sighs, "if he was dead, you would have a letter by now and you would know that. They send letters to the person's lover and family when they die in battle, so keep your head high, because Liam is still alive and kicking." Niall smiles at his words, pulling Louis into a hug now.

The smaller man hugs Niall back, rubbing his back gently as he begins to smile. This is why Louis is his best friend, because he knows that he'll always be there for him, through thick and thin, through anything that may cause him trouble in the future. He just knows that for sure.

"So let's get ready for the adoring fans and give them a wonderful show, alright?" Niall smiles a bit bigger, nodding as he walks out of the studio with a big grin across his face.

Louis looks down at his phone and smiles at the text that he just got from reply. He replies back then stuffs his phone in his back pocket, following after his blonde friend who is about to have a wonderful night, with his friends and lover.

After the boys finished getting fully ready, they stand on the platform where they'll be rising from, hearing the loud screams from fans. Fools Gold begins playing and the boys smile at each other, fully ready for another night filled with love.

As the concert went on, the boys would occasionally talk with the fans while Niall would be seated on one of the platforms with his guitar. He would either be strumming quietly with himself or Louis would be coming over to talk with the blonde, earning a few smiles here and there.

But when the music came on for Fireproof, that's when Niall nearly broke down with happy tears. Liam wrote this song for him and he loves it a lot.

Louis makes Niall stand up, front and center for all of the fans to see him, rubbing his back gently. "We're leaving this for you, mate. We haven't sang this in a while and we're sure that you need this. Just breathe and I'll be here if start becoming a mess." Niall chuckles softly, but he nods, letting a quick, small tear fall down his right cheek.

The son really starts up and Niall starts singing beautifully and powerfully, with the boys singing softly in the background with smiles. The blonde has his eyes closed as he sings, not listening to the screams as they become louder, but hearing Liam sing along with him like they always did.

This will always be their song and Niall doesn't mind one bit, because its filled with love. The love that Liam has for Niall, and it's quite strong.

Although, as Niall sings, he starts hearing Liam's beautiful, smooth voicing loud and clear. The screams have grown louder in the stadium and Niall's heart is racing, before he finally turns around.

His heart drops to his stomach as he sees Liam standing across from him, tears welling up in and falling from his eyes as he looks at his lover. Niall is full on crying as the fans continue to scream loudly, slowly bringing his body closer and closer to his lover. Once he gets close enough, he sets his guitar down in Harry's arms then falls into Liam's.

Liam holds him close and kisses his head multiple times as the boys continue singing Fireproof. Tears continue to fall and Niall can't stop crying, his arms wrapping around Liam's neck as the brunette male wraps his around Niall's waist.

The blonde buries his face in Liam's neck and continues to cry, inhaling the brunette's wonderful scent. Liam is rubbing his back while kissing his head over and over, like Niall loves, smiling from ear to ear at this wonderful moment.

When the song finishes though, Niall pulls back from his lover and connects his lips to Liam's. Liam quickly kisses him back, cupping the blonde's cheeks as the crowd goes even more insane. The other boys are smiling happily at their friends, who are finally happy, and together.

"I-I've missed you so d-damn much..." Niall whispered into Liam's ear, while the crowd then scream awe at the two. His mic is still on.

The brunette blushes and pecks his neck gently. "I've missed you m-more, sunshine," he said into one of the other microphones, earning a bigger awe from the audience.

Niall sniffles and kisses him again, Liam kissing him back instantly again, wanting to savor this moment for as long as he can.

When they finally get off stage, after another one minute kiss, Liam pulls Niall into the dressing room and pecks his lips multiple times. The blonde giggles in response and gently pushes his shoulders.

"Save it for the hotel room, daddy." Liam bites his lips, growls, but then nods with a smirk.

"Will do, baby boy. I'm sure you needed me so much..." Niall blushes harder and gets serious, cupping Liam's cheeks in his warm hands.

"I missed you more than you know," Niall stated, staring deeply into Liam's eyes, which still have tears in them. Niall wipes them away with a soft sniffle coming from him.

"I know you did, love, but I'm never leaving you again. Okay? War was the hardest thing for me and I'm so pissed that Geoff made me do it... But I'm back and here for you. Forever." Niall blushes and pecks his lips again, lovingly. Liam smiles.

"Good, because I'll always need you, Li. Always."

A/N: Ahhh, cute ending :) I hope y'all enjoyed and please don't be shy with asking for a request to be made. I'll do anything, like I said 💗I love you all x

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