[61] Leaving You Behind [RQ]

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Requested by: SarahBroch

Summary: Niall decides to run away from his problems, but in reality, he should be running up to them with open arms.

The little blonde Irish boy plays with his fingers as he stares at them like they're food, wanting to nibble them away as his bandmates are talking amongst themselves about an upcoming concert.

They never really pay much attention to him, which helps him decide that he's unimportant to the four of them. Why would they though as he's annoying and nothing about him is beautiful, that's what he thinks at least. So maybe, just maybe, if he runs away, they'll be happy, finally.

Although, the only one who seems to give a damn is Liam: the brunette boy who already has a tattoo at age 17 and is very attractive. Niall thinks that of course, but Liam wouldn't like him back anyway, because of how the blonde acts and is.

They did share a room before this band officially started, signifying their friendship that they have, but running away from Liam would make things better for Niall.

He wouldn't have to face the boy who he likes so much and the other boys would be just as happy to not have an annoying little Irish boy around to cause such a ruckus. Everything would be better.

As for Niall, he's currently cooped up in one of the dressing rooms with the boys, who are still talking with each other and ignoring the Irish boy. The only one who is giving him looks is, of course, Liam. He's worried that he feels excluded, but he shouldn't be, because of what they're talking about. Liam wants to tell him, but he can't.

He parts way from the other three though and steps up to Niall, gently placing a hand on his right thigh. The blonde jumps a bit, but calms down once he sees Liam standing there. A small comes across his face as the brunette sits down next to him, a wash of relief flooding over him.

"I'm sorry if you feel excluded over there, Niall. I wish I could explain to you why, but they told me to not bring it up until what we have planned is ready." Niall frowns, but he still feels unnecessary to the group of boys that he calls friends.

"Okay," the blonde speaks up softly, messing with the ends of his long sleeved, pink shirt. Oh how much Liam wants to snuggle and love this boy, but management doesn't recommend it. The brunette wants to argue, but he knows that he'll just lose more than he wants.

"I think I'm gonna get something to eat," Niall speaks again, a frown coming onto Liam's face, because he wants to talk to the Irish boy. He always pushes everyone away and it breaks Liam's heart knowing that Niall feels unimportant.

Niall leaves the room though, leaving his boys behind as he speed walks to the nearby exit without making a scene. He lets out a breath of relief and nods his head as tears begin to fill his eyes, stepping away from the perfect life that's filled with loving fans, money and a lover.

And he didn't stop walking, with no breaks at all; he just let his feet take him where they wanted to go and a smile etches onto his face, because he's free now. He's free from the stress and ignorance of his band mates and now he feels important.

Whoever he may run into, may recognize him, but no one really pays attention to the blonde, because of his voice and how he looks. So maybe, he'll find someone who appreciates him, someone who will love him for him and only him. He knows just who to be with though.

Meanwhile, Liam is already losing his breath as he searches for the blonde, sweat beads dripping down his face as he moves tables and chairs. The other boys each look at him with a frown.

"What's going on," Louis questions, earning a growl from the brunette boy.

"What's going on? You made me not talk to Niall for too long and now he has ran away! I fücking told you that he would do that, but you didn't listen! I know that you wanted to surprise him with something for his birthday, but it's too late now, Louis. He's gone and he probably won't come back, so I hope you three are happy."

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