[5] Met Online

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Part 1 of 2



Since I'm bored, I might as well go onto my Kik since guys usually get it somehow, its strange but sometimes great, if their good looking. I already grabbed my phone and notice that only a few guys texted me, somehow, today. One named, Chris, another named Kyle, and the last one Liam.

The text from the first guy was... Let's just not talk about that one.

The next guy's was sweet but also very strange.

But the last guys' was just a sweet text.

Liam- 'Hey there, Niall. :)'

I smiled at it and decided to text back since he seems like a not so crazy guy.

Niall- 'Hey there, Liam. How are you?'

I texted him and already, he read the message and is typing.

Liam- 'I'm doing good, Niall. And you? :)'

Niall- 'I'm doing good also, alone, of course. :/'

Liam- 'Awh, I'm sorry. Where do you live? ;)'

I sigh and set my phone down for a second. Should I tell him? Yes. You should. I picked my phone back up and texted him back.

Niall- 'Wolverhampton, you?'

Liam- 'I live there too! Near?'

Niall- 'Some quiet, lonely park on a quiet street.. Can't really explain it, I just moved here like about a month ago. :P'

Liam- 'Can we meet at that park? I live near there also. ;)'

Niall- 'Uhm.. I don't know... We just started talking.. What if you kidnap me and rape me?'

Liam- 'I promise I won't. Just please. :('

I rolled my eyes smirking.

Niall- 'Alright Liam. Meet ya there. At the bench alright?'

Liam- 'Okay, Niall. Seeya in a few.'

I sighed getting up from my bed and slipping my phone in my pocket, then I slip on my shoes without getting a jacket on, and make my way to the park after locking my front door as the cold breeze hits me.

Niam One-Shots || [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now