[117] A Little Bit Of Help

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Prompt: Niall and Luna have been friends since birth. Luna, the slightly older one of the two, decides to help Niall with his longing and gorgeous crush, figuring out cute ways to get them to come together as one.

Luna paced around the room as Niall worked on the rough draft of his new poem that would be put into his book of said poems. He didn't focus on anything else throughout the day, eyes only paying attention to his computer screen while his friend was coming up with a plentiful of plans that would aid him in a particular way.

She knew that he was destined to be with Liam, their classmate in one of their college classes that is really attractive and down to earth. Niall thinks nothing of it as Luna had those thoughts about different boys as well, but she had a strong feeling that it was for sure Liam.

They had conversed without Niall's knowledge, and having known each other for several months, Liam has caught feelings for the Irishman who was more than just his type. It was like the Englishman knew that he and Niall were meant to be together, but he knew that love stories didn't exist in the life that he was in.

Luna was more than sure after that conversation with Liam in that the pair were meant to be together, even if one of them disagrees with her. It just made her more determined to help the pair get together after way too long. They barely spoke to one another, barely gave a blink of an eye anymore, but she was going to change that.

“I'll be back later. Have to run a few errands before I finish my homework. Do you need anything,” Luna asks as she puts her necessities in her small bag, carrying it with ease as she makes it to the door seconds later.

Niall hums, “I'm okay. Just make sure you come back in one piece, alright? The straight guys here are animals and shouldn't be messed with.” Luna rolled her eyes, checking the time on her watch as she opened the door.

It was nearing nine in the afternoon so she assumed that Liam would still be awake since he told her that he sleeps till late. She just wanted to give him something and talk about Niall for a little, but staying out until midnight would make her Irish friend worried sick.

“Roger that, dad. I'll be back before you know it, okay? Love you!” He smiled big and gave her a small nod, typing away at his computer still with most of his poetic thoughts cascading over the ones about the gorgeous English brunette.

She then left with a closing of the dorm room door, making her way down the hall of rooms till she gets to the one at the end of the hall. Liam was in there with his roommate she knew that much but wasn't sure if he was busy at all.

Luna knocked on the door after checking her phone for any type of notification, letting out a slow breath as she waited for Liam to answer it. He did moments later, showing a small smile when seeing his newfound and helpful friend.

“Come in, Luna. Excuse the small mess and the fact that my roommate is being loud with his video games. It's always like this, but I still manage to get some sleep?” Luna chuckled along with Liam, having him lead her into the very small kitchen so they could talk with a little bit of privacy and quiet to hear each other.

“Luckily, Niall isn't the same way, but he's why I'm here to speak with you, Liam.” The Englishman quickly grew a smile on his face, sitting on the counter as he became more intrigued with Luna visiting him.

“I brought a few of his poems without permission, and I'm more than certain that they're about you, Liam. The way that he writes is so passionate, sincere,” Luna hands him the first poem that she thinks Niall wrote about him, “and I really hope that he'll come to term with his feelings and finally admit to liking you.”

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