[129] The Richest [!]

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Prompt: Niall.is the richest man in the neighborhood, owning his own home, car, butler and even a chef that adores him. Liam is a young man, passing the man's home from time to time to gather groceries for himself, but one day, he gets stopped.

Contains: top!Niall/bottom!Liam

Dedicated To: KissingWhiteLies

Liam fumbles with the belt that he was attempting to put on before his leave to the grocery store, groaning as it didn't seem to work with his frail yet slightly muscular body. He wasn't the fittest as could be, being only eighteen, but he appreciated what he had overall.

He lived with Louis, his best friend since kindergarten, and they get by with the money they had from their jobs. They stayed in a small apartment and had to pay small bills with the occasional rough moment from different points in the month.

They tried their best to gather enough money and it would work out successfully, but it still brought them more and more stress as they lived together as roommates and best friends at the same time, making it a little hard to argue.

The young Englishman eventually got the belt on and made his way down the stairs and towards the front entrance to put his shoes on. As that occurred, Louis popped up from behind and gave him the link card to pay the groceries for the next few weeks, putting a smile on his face.

“Make sure to grab what's listed, okay? We can't buy the essential snacks today, but we will be able to next month. Try your hardest to not waste your time on anything by the way, yeah? I'm starving, mate.” Liam nodded, giving Louis a small hug and smile before taking his leave and going towards his bike that was chained up to the rack.

Once he released it, he rode the bike down the street carelessly, taking in the beautiful neighborhood. It didn't take that much longer for him to be stopped by a slightly stronger force, making him gasp and look towards the object or person.

He was shocked by who it was, trying to stay calm as the Irishman before him subtly eyed him up a little and licked his lips as he did so, a small smile coming onto his older but gorgeously crafted face.

“Didn't mean to startle or stop you like that, Liam. Just wanted to chat for a few seconds, is all.” The thick accent came out smoothly, sounding nothing but orgasmic to Liam's ears as he stared at the man.

“O-Of course, Mr.Horan. Anything a-at all.” The elder male chuckled, his smile growing a bit more as he stared deep into Liam's caramel brown eyes.

“Please, just call me Niall, for now, Liam. Would you care to come inside, or does this errand need to be done now?” Liam shook his head quickly, getting off of his bike to place it safely near Niall's home as the pair had begun walking to the door.

This was all so sudden and confusing for the younger brunette and he was sure that Louis would be upset, but maybe Niall could help them both in some ways?

He didn't want to ponder too much about it as he had actually entered the 23-year old's house, jaw-dropping at the beautiful architecture that really emphasized the beauty of the outside view.

It was certainly stunning and he really wondered why a shabby apartment was made nearby this heavenly home. Something surely went wrong with the housing placements, but Liam didn't mind.

“I actually want to talk with you about a few things, if that's okay with you. I'll have my butler make us some snacks and drinks to let us begin our conversation.” Liam could only nod, comprehending food and snacks as Niall lead him down a long hallway that stored many pictures and doors on each side of it. How big was the inside of this gargantuan house?

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