[175] Mine [RQ]

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Prompt: Based on Taylor Swift's song ‘Mine’ where Niall has to deal with so many issues and is afraid of losing the one man he loves most.

Requested by: njhrainbow

Waiting for Liam to come back home always filled Niall with dread and stress beyond compare. He craved his attention and wished nothing but to have himself glued into Liam's grasp for all eternity, so they couldn't be apart any longer. They'd deal with the punches when necessary because their love was stronger than anything else.

Niall eventually heard the front door opening, standing up from the couch to see an exhausted Liam step inside with a long exhale slipping past his dry, dirty lips that were in need of attention. He earned a quick kiss to the lips within seconds, smiling softly at his lover before they made their way towards the single, connected bathroom.

“Can you run me a bath? I need to relax after dealing with some many people today.” He earns a nod and grin from Niall.

“Of course. Working as a waiter can be tiring, I'm sure. Especially when you have classes in the morning. You work hard and deserve the praise for doing so, which is why I'm gonna treat you to whatever you please tonight. I do mean anything, by the way.”

Liam chuckles lightly, watching Niall feel the water. “Hmm, that sounds like a challenge. Anything, you say?” He runs his fingers along Niall's lower back, making it to the waistband of his boxers.

Niall smirks a little and rolls his eyes. “If that's what you so desire, then I'll happily let you fück me. Just don't go crazy like you always do at the sight of my bare ass, you nerd.”

Liam licks his lips and nods, disposing his own clothes before helping Niall with the boxers and huge tee that he wore. He pressed their lips together in a quick kiss before watching Niall put in some soap, desiring enough bubbles inside of the bathtub.

Within a few minutes, Niall grew comfortable against Liam's front as they laid in the warm and pleasantly smelling bathtub. He has his hands on Liam's thighs as the memory of them sitting by the city lake came back like a whirlwind. It was their first date spot.

That's when everything seemed simple, easy to understand when it came to life in general. He was there with Liam, alone and content while nobody was around to judge their domestically cute actions.

Now, they had bills to pay. They thought they had everything figured out, but life flashed before their very eyes and now the thought of trying to go on vacation was an oversight.

Niall worried they'd lose their home amongst other things, and it scared him to think about what else could happen to them if they lost all of their belongings in a heartbeat. He couldn't live anymore.

It became worse in the next few months as Niall went over all the money they owed. Niall thought that getting a job himself would fix everything, but the world seemed to be fighting against them. He couldn't handle all of this stress at once, to an extreme extent where he was left to wallow in his sadness, in the bathroom alone with his diary where he wrote every little thing that was going on.

When Liam came one night, he couldn't find Niall at all. He decided to search through his side of the bed at around 2:30 am, finding a maroon-colored diary sat neatly at the stop. He frowned, not wanting to invade in Niall's privacy, but he was a little curious to know its content that'd surely help him find Niall.

‘I am stressed out completely. These bills are wearing us down, and we're so close to losing the house. I want to ask my parents for help, but I know that I'd come off as a burden to them if I were to ask. Sure, they said they'd help me, but I know they need money as well. I just want all of this stress to be done and over with. I want Liam and me to have enough money to not worry about bills or anything that we individually desire. I want this pain to go away. I don't want to be like my parents and ask for help. I want to be mature, for once...’

Liam sighs, closing the book but not quick enough to suddenly hear a door slam closed behind him. He drops the book as he jumps up and turns behind him to see a red-faced Niall with bloodshot eyes.

“Please tell me you didn't just read my latest entry.”

Liam had wide eyes. “I... I was only trying to see if it would help me find you, that's-”

“You know what, whatever!” Niall walks up and grabs the book with a huff, groaning at the pain in his hip as he had tripped minutes ago on accident. “I can't believe you actually went through my stuff without permission. Can you not trust me anymore? Is that it? Am I not good enough for you to not believe in me?”

Liam shakes his head, sighing. “No, that's not it at all! I love you so much, more than I love anybody else in my life, you know this. I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. Not even for a second.”

Niall scoffs and shakes his head. “I can't believe this. I can't believe you'd actually disobey our promise like this.” He heads toward the door, only to get stopped by Liam's strong grip that held his wrist.

“Oh, you're not leaving! We need to talk about everything that you wrote down. I'm not letting this happen!” Liam was angry at this point, crossing the line that he wasn't trying to for Niall's sake.

Niall tears himself away from Liam and opens the door. “I am letting this happen, whether you like it or not! I can't deal with this right now, and you need to accept that.” Niall sighs shakily and steps a foot out the door. “Maybe I... I don't think you understand me anymore, and perhaps it's for the best.” He takes his leave with a ping of ache coursing through his rapidly beating heart.

He makes it outside as the cool winds blow against him, shivering at the sudden change in temperature as he stands there. He can't go back inside, he can't deal with Liam right now. But, even though he didn't know this would happen, he feels the same, comforting warmth engulf him again. He didn't expect this after what just happened.

“I'll never leave you alone,” Liam whispered into his ear. He runs his hands along Niall's back. “I remember we were sitting there by the water. I put my arms around you for the first time, and that's when everything changed.” Liam smiles softly. “I remember the look in your eye when we gazed out into the city. It was a beautiful sight that I'll never forget. I'll never regret falling in love with you then.”

Niall couldn't believe all the words Liam spoke, but he knew that Liam was being genuinely honest with him. He let Liam hold him there, for however long he pleased because they were safe like this.

Niall would forever feel safe in his arms, even in the worst of times.


Author's Note: Pumping out one-shots left and right, look at me! I hope you enjoyed this one, thanks for reading, and I love you all!

This FIRST book of one-shots is nearing its end, so be sure to head into my second collection which will come out on when I post my last story here! Be on the lookout in due time :)

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