[56] 7 Deadly Sins [!]

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This'll be a really long one shot that is revolved around the title "7 Deadly Sins," so I hope y'all enjoy! x

Niall-25, Liam-26


December 2019

Niall rests his head on the soft, white pillow, looking up at Liam, his friend, who just got out of their shared bed. They're rooming together, because Liam couldn't afford living in a separate home.

The blonde, being a kind friend, is letting Liam stay at his place until the brunette can afford his own. It may take a while, but Niall doesn't mind I one bit. He cares about and likes Liam a lot, but he could never tell him how he feels.

It'd ruin their friendship if Liam didn't like him back and things would never be the same.

They promised each other to always be there for the other, but that can easily be broken with the act of love towards the other. Niall doesn't want to ruin the bond that they share.

"Where are you going today, Li," Niall asks, hoping that he isn't going to his friend's, Andy's, place. He always goes there and the blonde can't help but get jealous when he leaves to go to Andy. He might as well move in over there.

"Nowhere, just gonna have a lazy day in today, see how good your book is selling today." He pats the cover where Niall's leg is with a gentle smile, then heads over to their computer. The blonde smiles big and sighs happily.

He's grateful that Liam was there when he published his book back in July. Ever since then, his book has been selling like crazy, which means he has a lot of money. Liam hasn't been asking for it, thankfully, but Niall knows the brunette well.

Soon enough, he will ask for money and Niall being Niall, will give him some. Reasonably though, Liam has been trying to find a good job, but none of them have gotten back to him. So the blonde wouldn't mind giving him money to help.

"You don't have to care about my book, I hope you know that, Li. It's nice that you enjoyed it, but I know how good my book is selling. Unless, you want some money?" Niall is deciding to push Liam, just to see if his greediness will show.

The brunette spins around in the chair to look at him, smiling slyly before he decided to stand up and walk over to his shirtless friend. He stabds over him and crosses his arms, clenching his jaw.

"If I ever need money, I'll ask politely, Ni. I may be a greedy person, but I like to be kind in the process. Stealing from you would be one of the worst things that I could do. I'd never want to do such a thing to my best friend who cares for me."

Niall smiles a bit and nods, running his left hand up and down his right arm slowly. He feels kind od bad now, because of the way he said it.

"I'm sorry, Li... I just get paranoid easily, you know that," Niall says, earning a nod from Liam, who is still standing over him.

"I'm making a lot of money from this book, a lot, so I don't want it to go to waste or let it disappear. I'm going to be reasonable with it, even though it'll still be out and getting bought by a lot of people.

Do you understand me, Li?" Niall asks the brunette who is staring right at him. Liam nods slowly.

"Yes, yes I understand, Ni. Sorry, I'm just still trying to wake up. Plus, your-- never mind. I'm gonna get on the computer." Liam turns around with a straight face, Niall not noticing that the brunette's cheeks are tinted pink in the shadows.

The blonde sits up from the bed and stretches out his arms, the subtle crack of each bone evident in the room. Liam turns around in his seat again and looks at his friend, smiling at him gently as he thinks about something that's important.

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